Table of contents
- Doctorate at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
- Application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate and admission
- Certified copies and verification of equivalence of foreign university degrees
- Enrolment
- Additional requirements
- Opening of the doctorate proceedings
- Clearance Certificate
- Completed doctorates and alumni network
Doctorate at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
We are happy that you plan to do your doctorate at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies. On this website you will find all important information:
+++Current Information+++
Enactment of the new doctorate regulations dated 14.03.2024
Please note that our Faculty enacted new doctorate regulations since 26th march 2024 (only in german).
All future or already accepted doctorates will be carried out according to the new regulations. All doctoral candidates who have already been accepted based on the previous doctorate regulations will remain accepted doctoral candidates of our Faculty.
Solely those doctoral candidates who have already opened their doctorate proceedings can complete the doctorate based on the previous doctorate regulation.
All doctoral candidates who have been accepted but not yet opened their doctorate proceedings need to obey the following changes:
In all cases, the new doctorate regulations apply. Please consider the following changes in particular:
- The Statutes for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice, Avoiding Scientific Misconduct, and Handling Violations apply to all (associate) members of TU Dresden and is, thus, also binding for you as a doctoral candidate. You are now obliged to complete at least one training on the topic of good scientific practice, either in digital form or as a presence event. Detailed information can be found in our new doctorate regulations. A proof has to be handed in once you submit the application for the opening of the doctorate proceedings to your doctoral office. Trainings are offered by the Graduate Academy, for instance.
- In addition, your dissertation must be assessed by at least one external, full-time assessor from outside TU Dresden, who was not involved in the supervision of your dissertation and does not work in the same institute as your main supervisor. Detailed information can be found in our new doctorate regulations .
Application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate and admission
The application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate can be filed with the doctoral board of the Faculty according to § 8 of the doctorate regulations dated 14.03.2024 The doctoral board will verify whether all admission requirements are met. With acceptance as a doctoral candidate, you agree to complete your doctorate at the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies within 3 years.
You can find all valid regulations and committees here:
- Doctorate regulations dated 14.03.2024
- Doctorate regulations dated 03.03.2015
- Regulations for processing of personal data during the doctorate at TU Dresden (13.12.2021)
- Members of the doctoral board
- Sample Supervision Agreement for Doctoral Candidates
For the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate, please use the online system Promovendus.
You can access Promovendus via the internet at any time. You will need a valid ZIH user account to login to Promovendus.
Enrolled students as well as employees of TU Dresden automatically receive ZIH login details. If you have not yet received ZIH login details, you can file an application for a guest login which your supervisor has to sign. You can find the application for a ZIH user account on the website of the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) at TU Dresden. Please contact the Service Desk of TU Dresden in case of any questions or problems with the ZIH user account.
Promovendus will generate an application document for you which you will have to hand in to the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies:
Ms Katrin Pasternok
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Please note that, together with the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate, you will need to hand in the following documents:
- Certified copy and, if applicable, translation in German or English of the graduation certificate of the study degree relevant for admission
- Certified copy and, if applicable, translation in German or English of the overviews of subjects and grades of the study degree relevant for admission
- Certified copy and, if applicable, translation in German or English of all other study graduation certificates and overviews of subjects
- Simple copy of the university entrance qualification certificate (f.ex. A-levels)
- Curriculum vitae (C.V.) including scientific career and signature
- Certified confirmation of fulfillment of additional studies or examinations
- Confirmation (receipt) of application for a clearance certificate (Führungszeugnis) to be sent to the Faculty in compliance with Section 30 Paragraph 5 “Bundeszentralregistergesetz” (Federal Central Register Law)
Certified copies and verification of equivalence of foreign university degrees
For the acceptance as a doctoral candidate, you need to hand in certified copies and, if applicable, certified translations of your graduation certificates and subject and grades overview. You can find further information on certified copies of certificates which have not been issued by TU Dresden on the website of the office of certified documentation of TU Dresden.
If you completed one of your studies outside Germany or if you have a foreign citizenship, your documents will be sent to the International Office of the TU Dresden to verify the equivalence of your degree. You can use the online database for a preliminary check of the equivalence of your degree.
You can only enroll as PhD student if the doctoral board of the Faculty has accepted you as doctoral candidate and put you on the doctoral list of the Faculty. You can find further information on the website of the admission office.
Enrolment is voluntary. The regulations for enrolment can be found here.
To apply for enrolment, please use the website of the admission office.
Additional requirements
Admission to the list of doctoral candidates may be subject to conditions regarding the completion of additional examinations. These are determined by the doctoral committee and communicated to the doctoral candidate with the letter of admission for acceptance as a doctoral candidate.
Opening of the doctorate proceedings
The application for the opening of the doctoral procedure is made via the online system Promovendus.
You need a valid ZIH user account to be able to log in to Promovendus.
Employees or enrolled students automatically receive a ZIH user login. If you do not yet have a ZIH user login at TU Dresden, you can apply for a so-called ZIH guest login via your supervising university professor who will supervise your doctoral or research project. You can find the application form on the website of the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) at TU Dresden. Your central contact person for all questions and problems with your ZIH user account can be contacted via the TU Dresden Service Desk.
An application document for the opening of the doctoral procedure will be created via Promovendus, which you must submit to the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies:
Ms Katrin Pasternok
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
- 6 bound copies of the dissertation and one electronic copy
Current, tabular curriculum vitae (CV) with academic career and signature
List of academic publications
Notification of acceptance as a doctoral candidate in accordance with § 8 of the doctoral degree regulations in copy and documentary evidence of fulfillment of any conditions imposed in officially certified form
Written proof (receipt) that a certificate of good conduct to be sent to the faculty in accordance with Section 30 (5) of the Federal Central Criminal Register Act (BZRG), which is not older than 3 months, has been requested from the responsible registration authority.
Both the dissertation and the defense of the dissertation can be written or conducted in German or English. For further information, please refer to the doctoral degree regulations dated 03.03.2015.
Clearance Certificate
In order to apply for acceptance as a doctoral candidate and for the opening of the doctoral procedure, you will need written proof (receipt) that a certificate of good conduct in accordance with Section 30 (5) of the Federal Central Criminal Register Act (BZRG) has been applied for from the relevant registration office. The certificate of good conduct is valid for approx. 3 months and can be applied for on the day of submission of the documents for admission as a doctoral candidate or for the opening of the doctoral procedure. When applying for the certificate of good conduct (e.g. at the registration office, Theaterstraße 11, 01067 Dresden), the following address must be given:
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
Katrin Pasternok
01062 Dresden
Completed doctorates and alumni network
You can register for the alumni network specifically for early career researchers at any time in the online system Promovendus. If you no longer have a valid ZIH user account, please use the alumni form. Registration is of course voluntary.
We would also like to draw your attention to the general alumni network of TU Dresden.