Creation of ZIH User Accounts
In the IDM system new ZIH user accounts are only created for students, employees and guests. The assignment process of ZIH user accounts differs between the particular user groups and is described in the following.
Staff and students must activate their ZIH user account on the Self Service-Portal inital.
During a student's immatriculation a ZIH user account will be generated. In addition to ZIH login, a coupon is created for each student. This is communicated to the students by e-mail. After entering the coupon number in the Self Service-Portal the user can see details of their ZIH-login. ZIH user accounts will be automatically extended when the student re-registers in the immatriculation office. They will only expire with the exmatriculation of the student.
Staff Members
For every new staff member hired by the TU Dresden, a new ZIH user account will be created. In addition to ZIH login, a coupon is generated for each employee. New members receive their coupon from their relevant IT contact person. A list of responsible contacts is provided when signing the contract. After entering the coupon number in the Self Service-Portal the user can see details of their new ZIH login. ZIH user accounts for staff members only expire with end of employement.
ZIH user accounts for guests are only created on request. The application form has to be done by a member of the TU Dresden via Self Service-Portal. Guests receive the invitation link via e-mail. User accounts for guests expire on a fixed date and can be extended via Self Service-Portal.
Central contact for all questions and problems concerning the ZIH user accounts is the Service Desk.