Neuste Ausgabe: Canadian Slavonic Papers Volume 66, Issue 3-4 (2024) - Holger Kuße, Alla Nedashkivska, Beatrix Kreß, Olena Panych
Am 19. Februar 2025 erschien in Canadian Slavonic Papers eine umfangreiche und thematische Special Section von Prof. Holger Kuße, Prof. Alla Nedashkivska und Prof. Beatrix Kreß zum Thema „War against Ukraine: language, culture, and media“. Dazu ein Beitrag von unserer Gastforscherin Dr. Olena Panych zum Thema “The prophet on trial: Baptist dissenters before the Soviet courts, 1960s–1980s”.
Die Ausgabe ist frei als Open Access verfügbar.
Canadian Slavonic Papers |
Aims and Scope
Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue canadienne des slavistes (CSP/RCS) , founded in 1956, is a quarterly, interdisciplinary journal of the Canadian Association of Slavists/Association canadienne des slavistes, publishing in English and French. CSP/RCS is devoted to problems of central and eastern Europe. It is a forum for scholars from a range of disciplines: language and linguistics, literature, history, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, geography, philosophy, and the arts. This is the only interdisciplinary scholarly outlet for Slavists in Canada and one of the major journals in the field in North America. It has an international readership and subscribers. The journal is supported by the membership of the Canadian Association of Slavists with assistance from McGill University and the University of Alberta.