Seminars, Workshops and Lectures
Summer Semester 2025
- All Course Enrolments via OPAL. For praktika and seminar, enrolments are limited. IMPORTANT: enrolment via SELMA is not recognised as course enrolment. (But SELMA enrolments are needed for exams registrations)
- For live updates on IXLAB courses and news, subscribe to the matrix room
Our classes are listed in the Course Catalog as "Gestaltung immersiver Medien" in the Institute Software- und Multimediatechnik
Timetable (to be finalised)
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | ||
1. DS | 07:30 - 09:00 | |||||
2. DS | 09:20 - 10:50 | KP Audio Interfaces | KP Experiments in Immersive Media | |||
3. DS | 11:10 - 12:40 | |||||
4. DS | 13:00 - 14:30 | KP Spatial Computing | ||||
5. DS | 14:50 - 16:20 | KP Interactive Theater + MP SpatialMedia (MInfProj) |
6. DS | 16:40 - 18:10 | Seminar Research Frontiers in Computing |
KP - Komplexpraktikum (Practical Course)
Course Information
Type | Pro-/Haupt- Seminar (0|2|0) |
Language | English |
Lecturer | Matthew McGinity |
Modules |
Pro: INF-B-610 , INF-D-520 |
Assessment | Paper incl. Presentation |
Location | APB 2101 & 2026 |
Time | Wednesdays, 16:40 - 18:10 |
This seminar has two major components. The first is an introduction to academic research methodologies and tools, such as search strategies and tools, managing a bibliography, academic writing styles, citations and avoiding plagiarism. In short, you will learn how to find, read, analyze and write academic texts.
The second part of the course explores the intersection of philosophy and computer science. We will examine philosophical issues in computing, such as philosophy of mind and phenomenology, computational realism, artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness, as well as sociological, political and ethical topics concerning computing technologies.
As students, you will gain familiarity with the nature of philosophical discourse and argumentation. You will perform your own literature review on a topic of your choice and present results to your fellow students in class.
Seminar structure:
Weekly meetings
Student presentation, student-led discussions and close readings of research papers
Student-led "reading group"
Tasks and assessment:
Write literature review paper on a specific research topic.
Class presentation.
Type | Komplexpraktikum / Practical Course (0|0|4) |
Language | deutsch |
Lecturers | Lars Engeln |
Modules |
INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-530, INF-B-540, INF-E-4, INF-MA-PR, INF-VERT3, INF-VMI-4A, INF-VMI-8A |
Assessment | Presentation, report and final project |
Location | APB E052 (E046) |
Time | Mi. 2.DS |
Digital Effects Visually
Within the KP AudioInterfaces we will work on selected topics of interaction, exploration, visualization and recognition of auditory signals.
Experience in the field of audio is desirable, but any level of knowledge is welcome.
In particular in this semester, we look at how audio effects can be visually displayed and controlled in an interface.
Type | Practical Course / Komplexpraktikum (0|0|4) |
Language | English/German |
Lecturers | Matthew McGinity, Theda Nilsson, Lars Engeln |
Modules | B-510, B-520, B-530, B-540, VMI-1a, VMI-4a, VMI-6, VMI-8a, E-4, VERT-3, VERT-7, MA-PR, VC-ELV1, VC-ELV2 |
Assessment | Presentation, report and final project |
Location | HfBK Günzstraße 34 and APB |
Time | Thursdays |
Enrolment | via email to, by 13H Monday 7. April |

Theda Nilsson-Eicke: DEKAMERON (2018)
In diese Welt geworfen (Thrown into This World)
Studio Colab with HfBK
In this interdisciplinary studio, TU Dresden Informatik students will join HfBK art students to explore the creative potential of immersive media technologies in a theatrical context.
The studio will be led by Theda Nilsson, S+T+ARTS artist-in-residence at TU Dresden and professor for stage and costume design at Dresden Art Academy (HfBK). As artist-in-residence, Prof. Nilsson is examining the concept of "cognitive contexts", and the cognitive machinery that allows us to rapidly recognise and respond to contextual frames of behaviour.
Students will work together in the production of a theatrical experience. As places are highly limited, priority is given to Masters students and students with relevant skills and training. To apply, please send a short motivation via mail to before 13H, Monday 7. April, stating your current degree and year, and any extra information you feel may help your case, (such as CV or transcripts).
Type | Komplexpraktikum / Practical Course (0|0|4) |
Language | deutsch |
Lecturers | Lars Engeln |
Modules |
INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-530, INF-B-540, INF-E-4, INF-MA-PR, INF-VERT3, INF-VMI-4A, INF-VMI-8A |
Assessment | Presentation, report and final project |
Location | APB E046 |
Time | Mi. 5.DS |
Interactive Theater
This course is intended to provide an insight into this field of research (UI/UX design with innovative technologies). It may consider light, projection, tracking, audio, surround sound, SceneUnderstanding, ComputerVision in a theatrical space. The thematic focus is on reacting to actions in space.
This semester, we will create interactive elements for the upcoming production "Earl Grey" at "DIE BÜHNE – The Theater of TU Dresden" together with its ensemble. To do this, we will work in small groups with body trackers such as the Azure Kinect, projection mapping (on-person) and light control, among other things.
Part of the course is the specification of development questions and the prototypical implementation resulting from the project work. At the beginning of the course, the research question in particular is developed or set up within the selected context in relation to the project topic itself. We place particular emphasis on conception and design. This is followed by in-depth implementation in the existing software environment.
Type | Practical Course / Komplexpraktikum (0|0|4) |
Language | English |
Lecturers |
Matthew McGinity, Brian Eschrich |
Modules | B-510, B-520, B-530, B-540, VMI-1a, VMI-4a, VMI-6, VMI-7, VMI-8a, E-4, VERT-3, VERT-7, MA-PR, VC-ELV1, VC-ELV2 |
Assessment | Presentation, report and final project |
Location | APB E046 |
Time | Tue 4.DS |
Mobile Exhibits
The exhibition ‘//DataSpaces’ has been dismantled in the Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, but continues its journey and is being continuously developed. The content of existing exhibits is being revised and new research projects are being added as interactive stations. The Komplexpraktikum focusses on research topics from Synosys, Technical Design, the Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections of the TU Dresden and the IXLab.
As part of the Komplexpraktikum, participants develop exhibits to bring these projects and topics to life in a variety of ways. The creative possibilities range from screen-based stations to haptic-reactive objects.
The development process is accompanied by excursions and lectures. The aim is to develop functional exhibits for the exhibition.
Type | Medieninformatik-Projekt (0|0|4+2) |
Language | deutsch |
Lecturers | Lars Engeln, Matthew McGinity |
Modules |
INF-B-490 |
Assessment | Presentation, report and final project |
Location | APB E046 |
Time | Mi. 5.DS |
Enrolment |
Spatial Media
Dieses Teilgebietes innerhalb des Medieninformatik-Projekts soll erste Berührungspunkte in das Forschungsgebiet (des UI-/UX-Designs mit innovativen Technologien) geben. Es kann u.U. Licht, Projektion, Tracking, Audio, SurroundSound, SceneUnderstanding, ComputerVision im Theaterraum betrachten.
Bestandteil ist die Konkretisierung der angedachten Forschungs- & Entwicklungsfragen und die im Rahmen einer Projektarbeit entstehende prototypische Umsetzung. Zu Beginn der Veranstaltung wird insbesondere die Forschungsfrage innerhalb des gewählten Kontextes bezogen auf das Projektthema selbst erarbeitet bzw. aufgestellt. Auf Konzeption und Gestaltung legen wir besonderen Wert. Danach erfolgt eine tiefgreifende Implementation in der vorhandenen Softwareumgebung.
Bachelor | Master & Diplom | ||||||
SWS | Informatik & Medien-informatik | Medien-informatik | Informatik | CMS | |||
Pro-/Haupt Seminar Research Frontiers in Computing |
0|2|0 | B-610 | AQUA | AQUA D-520|-940 |
CMS-SEM | ||
Komplexpraktikum Spatial Computing |
0|0|4 | B-510 B-520 B-530 B-540 |
VMI-1A |
Komplexpraktikum Experiments in Immersive Media |
0|0|4 | B-510 B-520 B-530 B-540 |
VMI-1A VMI-4A VMI-6 VMI-8A E-4 |
Komplexpraktikum Interactive Theater |
0|0|4 | B-510 B-520 B-530 B-540 |
VMI-4A VMI-6 VMI-8A E-4 |
Komplexpraktikum Audio Interfaces |
0|0|4 | B-510 B-520 B-530 B-540 |
VMI-4A VMI-6 VMI-8A E-4 |
Research Project Immersive Systems |
0|0|8 |
CMS-VC-TEA | ||||
CMS Research Project Immersive Visualisation |
0|0|12 | CMS-PRO |
Archived Semesters:
Wintersemester 24/25
Summersemester 24
Wintersemester 23/24
Summersemester 23
Wintersemester 22/23
Summersemester 22
Wintersemester 21/22
Summersemester 21
Wintersemester 20/21