Perfusion Technology Group
Table of contents
The working group focuses on application-oriented research in the field of extracorporeal perfusion in order to enable an improvement of technical solutions available today.
The focus of the working group is on device and process developments for transplantation medicine and for extracoporal life support systems (ECLS). The research and development work includes design, modelling and simulation, construction and prototype building as well as experimental validation and testing of perfusion technology components and systems. The work is based on a close interdisciplinary linking of engineering and natural sciences with medical disciplines. Joint research projects are conceived and realised in national and international interdisciplinary cooperation with hospitals, industry and research institutions.
Combining current research with teaching is important to us. Students from different disciplines will find a wide range of topics for project work and theses.
Interested students have the opportunity to work on research topics of the group at any time within the framework of project, study, diploma and master theses or through employment as a WHK/SHK.
Specific enquiries should be addressed to the reasearch group leader (see below for contact details).
We are looking for a student assistant (10 h/week) for the summer semester 2023 to support the teaching. The work time is 10 hours/week. The specific timeslot can be adjusted according to your schedule. The duration of employment is in accordance with the WissZeitVG.
- Support in the preparation and execution of tests on medical devices.
- Support in the preparation and execution of experiments
- Construction of accessories for measuring stations
- Processing of 3D printing orders.
- Matriculation at a university
- Knowledge of CAD (preferably Inventor)
- Interest in working in a medical environment
- Very good knowledge of the German language.
Please submit your application documents with CV and current overview of grades by e-mail to:
Ms Dr.-Ing. Susanne Kromnik
- Subject area: ECMO applications
Support with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a Rescue-Procedure, when invasive ventilation can no longer guarantee the oxygen-supply via the lungs. ECMO therapy ranges from an application of a few hours to several weeks. The crucial element of ECMO is the oxygenator. This is where oxygenation takes place and carbon dioxide is eliminated from the blood. The functionality of this component in the ECMO system is critical.
- Sensor systems for continuous non-invasive monitoring of hemoglobin (Hb)
- Sensor systems for continuous (non-invasive) monitoring of hematocrit (Hct)
- Subject area: 3D printing for medical technology
Additive manufacturing of components is a fast and cost-effective method for the production of small series. This process is also increasingly used in the field of medical technology.- currently no topics
- Subject area: Mechanical Ventilation and respiratory gas analysis
- Biomarkers for acute lung injury (ALI) in blood/respiratory gas (Breathomics)
Individual topic suggestions on current topics of the working group are possible at any time.
Topics for student research projects and diploma theses include:
- Development of device components and control strategies for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
- Conceptual design of an evaluation of the oxygenator in ECMO application
- Development of device concepts for ex vivo organ perfusion
- Further development of the organ storage based on existing concepts
- Conceptual design and development of an emergency power system
- Development of components for the controlled oxygenated reperfusion (COR) of donor kidneys for NMP
Evaluation of existing data sets (blood data, perfusion data, image data) with regard to existing standards
Further development of existing topology concepts with regard to optimized usability
- Research in the field of 3D printing for medical technology
- Conceptual design of in-process quality assurance methods for 3D printing
- Optimization and modularization of an existing silicone 3D printing system
- Investigation of oxygen enrichment in air vehicles during high-flow oxygen therapy
Our partners offer the following topics or positions:
Pulmonary Engineering Group, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus
Selected Projects
Organ models
In surgical training of minimally invasive procedures, the use of animal organs should be avoided. This requires the provision of technical models to simulate human physiology. The Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the Technical University of Dresden has developed innovative organ phantoms of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and gall bladder, in cooperation with the Research Institute for Leather and Plastic Sheeting FILK in Freiberg and the Research Group for Minimally Invasive Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Intervention (MITI) at the Technical University of Munich. These are characterised by a realistic appearance (shape, size, colour, texture) and haptics (weight, viscosity, elasticity) as well as by their suitability for surgical preparation methods such as sharp or electrocautery cutting, clipping, grasping, injecting, suturing, stapling and for display in imaging procedures. The developed collagen-based organ phantoms were integrated into an ELITE surgical phantom to provide a training unit for various applications, e.g. cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder).
- Optimisation of perfusion for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
- Extracorporeal perfusion of kidneys
Hyperspectral imaging for the assessment of organ status during perfusion.
Close multidisciplinary cooperation between engineers, natural scientists and physicians is absolutely necessary for medical technology innovations to solve complex medical problems. Only in this way can new procedures or products be developed from the results of life science basic research or clinical patient-oriented research to market maturity. The ZIM cooperation network Medical Technology: Focus on Organ Perfusion as an association of companies and research institutions from all over Germany aims to bundle the competences of innovative medical technology companies along the value chain of product development throughout Germany to develop the technology of extracorporeal organ perfusion and to bring them together with research institutions and clinical expertise at an early stage.
Further contacts:
- University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
- Clinic and Polyclinic for Urology
- Clinic and Polyclinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Therapy
- VIVE-MedTech GmbH
- Diaspective Vision GmbH
Research Group Leader
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Susanne Kromnik
Perfusion Technology Group
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Fetscherforum (F29), 1st Floor, Room 36 Fetscherstr. 29
01307 Dresden