PyPlane is a Python program with Qt GUI for the visualization of second order dynamical systems in the phase plane.
Features: Vector field visualization, simulation of trajectories in forward and backward time direction, determination of equilibrium points and calculation of associated jacobian matricies, visualization of the vectorfield of the linearized system, plotting of the nullclines, visualization of the set of zeros of arbitrary function defined over the phase plane (e.g. x2 + y2 - 4 (circle equation)), flexible export functions.
- Source code for the execution as python script (Linux, Windows, Mac): repository at github
- Windows binary file (no python installation necessary): download section at github
The program is licenced under GPL v3 and was origanally developed by Klemens Fritzsche during as student project. Development is continued by him and other members of the institute.
Mr Dr.-Ing. Klemens Fritzsche B.Sc.
Research and Teaching Fellow
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Institute of Control Theory
Institute of Control Theory
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