Time Pattern at the TU Dresden
1. Doppelstunde (1.DS): 7.30-9 a.m.
2. Doppelstunde (2.DS): 9.20-10.50 a.m.
3. Doppelstunde (3.DS): 11.10 a.m.-12.40 p.m.
4. Doppelstunde (4.DS): 1.00-2.30 p.m.
5. Doppelstunde (5.DS): 2.50-4.20 p.m.
6. Doppelstunde (6.DS): 4.40-6.10 p.m.
7. Doppelstunde (7.DS): 6.30-8 p.m.
Abbreviations for days of the week
MO - Monday
DI - Tuesday
MI - Wednesday
DO - Thursday
FR - Friday
1. Woche/2. Woche
The sessions of some lectures and seminars take place every second week. Therefore, the timetables give:
1. Woche (= 1st week, odd-numbered calendar week = 1st, 3rd, 5th ... calendar week) or
2. Woche (= 2nd week, even-numbered calendar week = 2nd, 4th, 6th ... calendar week).