MINT degree programs "Behind the scenes"
Scientists from Research Training Group 2868 "Data-driven design of resilient metamaterials" visit the school to provide insights into their everyday research and studies. They have studied different STEM subjects and are now working on current research topics on the data-driven development of metamaterials in an interdisciplinary manner.
The event includes a presentation of the research project and the degree programs as well as discussions in smaller groups, during which the students can ask questions about their choice of studies, everyday life and organization.
Target group: Pupils in grades 10 to 12
Period: school year 2024/25
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Markus Kästner
Tel.: 0351/463-43065
Dipl.-Ing. Ulrike Gebhardt
Tel.: 0351/463-33450
All information are also available here in the flyer