Project Groups
D³ is divided into four project groups (D - Data, M - Materials, S - Structure, F - Functionalization). In view of the compositional and structural complexity of the metamaterials under consideration and the interacting influences on resilience and functional properties, only closely linked experiments and simulations in a data-driven framework (D) open up the possibility of identifying promising combinations of material, structural and process parameters. Compared to the state of the art, D³ will focus on novel spinodoid metamaterials with bio-inspired non-periodic architectures, tailored aluminum alloys and advanced AM technologies. Besides the typically focused structure (S), i.e. the mesoscopic topology and geometry, the influence of the base material (M) and functionalization (F) on the effective macroscopic properties will be investigated, leading to an enormous parameter space.
Project groups
Data project group: The project group will develop new data-driven design methods that take into account the inherent multi-scale relationships between material composition, complex topology and mechanical metamaterial failure. more
Materials Project Group: The development and design of novel materials is often still based on time-consuming synthesis and characterization cycles. The aim of the project group is to accelerate this process through the in a targeted manner use of computer resources and material databases. more
Structure project group: On the way to resilient metamaterials, the project group is investigating new approaches to design, additive manufacturing and characterization. The focus is particularly on spinodoid structures, which enable a wide topological variety and also non-periodic or shell-like architectures. more
Functionalization project group: The project group is investigating graded functionalization for the integration of spinodoid structures in technical applications. Supported by numerical analyses from the atomistic to the mesoscale, functionalized metamaterials with designed haptic and tribological structural properties are developed and characterized, which are of particular interest e.g. for individualized medical products. more