Principal Investigators*
*in alphabetischer Reihenfolge
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Gianaurelio (Giovanni) Cuniberti
TU Dresden, Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften
Professur für Materialwissenschaft und Nanotechnik
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Sibylle Gemming
TU Chemnitz
Theoretische Physik quantenmechanischer Prozesse und Systeme
und TU Dresden, cfaed
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Maik Gude
TU Dresden, Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften
Professur für Systemleichtbau und Mischbauweisen
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Julia Kristin Hufenbach
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Professur Entwicklung und Funktionalisierung metallischer Werkstoffe
und Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden e. V.
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Michael Kaliske
TU Dresden, Bereich Bau und Umwelt
Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Tragwerke
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Markus Kästner
TU Dresden, Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Christoph Leyens
TU Dresden, Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften
Professur für Werkstofftechnik
Marco Salvalaglio
TU Dresden, Bereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Prof. Dr. sc. techn.
Ivo F. Sbalzarini
TU Dresden, Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften
Professur für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen für Systembiologie
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Martina Zimmermann
TU Dresden, Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften
Professur für Werkstoffmechanik und Schadensfallanalyse
Internationale Mentoren
Alloy design |
Data-driven inference |
Computational physics |

Herr M. Sc. Philip Grimm
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Zeunerbau George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden
Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden Helmholtzstraße 20
01069 Dresden
About me
During the study internship at the Brose Group, I came in contact with additively manufactured metal components and the fascinating capabilities of laser powder bed fusion for the first time. While my focus in my Master’s thesis was more into 2D materials and fundamental research, I decided to work on a more application-orientated research topic after completing my Master’s Degree in Materials Science. Therefore, this research training group was the best opportunity to pursue the interest in additive manufacturing that I had awakened years ago and furthermore, to work in an international and motivated young research community. In close collaboration with other PhD students and e.g., their support in data-driven materials scouting my task is to develop a tailored aluminum alloy for laser powder bed fusion. My goal is to design an alloy that is processable and masters the challenges of additive manufacturing on the one hand and has the desired mechanical properties on the other.
My D³ Project
M2: Tailored aluminum alloys for laser powder bed fusion
To exploit the full potential of additively manufactured metamaterials, tailored alloys for the respective process and the target applications are required. This project aims at the development of AlMgZr-based alloys for robust processing of resilient metamaterials by laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB). The alloy design is supported by data-driven methods to accelerate the materials discovery and is based on scale-bridging characterization for a comprehensive analysis of the process-microstructure-property interactions.
The development of tailored aluminum alloys that combine required strength with good ductility and particularly improved manufacturability states the central research question. To avoid costly expensive powder atomization of various material systems a fast approach for alloy screening is done via casting by applying and mimicking high cooling rates present in PBF-LB. The microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties, e.g., compressive strength and hardness of the alloys will be analyzed. Subsequently, the most attractive alloy systems are atomized to powders and the PBF-LB process is developed. Based on microstructural, chemical, physical, and mechanical investigations of the PBF-LB samples, a novel materials system with the envisaged combination of properties and processability is selected for the fabrication of metamaterials.

Frau M.Sc. Deekshitha Kancharla
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Berndt-Bau Helmholtzstraße 7
01069 Dresden
Zeunerbau, ZEU 341
01069 Dresden
About me
Through the course of pursuing my Master's degree in Computational Sciences Engineering from TU Braunschweig, I had the opportunity to do an internship in the field of Additive manufacturing (AM) at Fraunhofer IWS, Dresden. During this time, I worked with metal binder jetting and also got an insight into the capabilities of AM as a manufacturing method and this further piqued my interest in this field. Later, I went on to write my master thesis at IWS. Titled, “Grain Growth Analysis of Binder Jetted 316L Stainless Steel using Dilatometry Data”, it gave me an opportunity to work with both experimentation and simulation of Binder Jetting. To be a part of the Research Training Group 2868 D³ as a doctoral student felt like the natural next step for me. This interdisciplinary project provides me with a possibility to not only delve deep into AM, but also gives me a chance to interact and learn from researchers of different scientific backgrounds. My research topic mainly deals with fabrication of the complex metamaterial structures using metal AM.
My D3 Project
The main focus of the project is to design metamaterials. In particular, spinodoid structures which are non-periodic and also the absence of stress concentrators that deteriorate the mechanical performance promises significantly increased damage tolerance. However, due to the complexity of the structures, manufacturing them via conventional processing methods is not feasible. Hence, S2 attempts to produce them using Additive Manufacturing technologies.
The main capabilities and challenges in generating these structures will be analyzed in this project. 316L stainless steel is the material of choice and a parameter study will be conducted to understand the influence of the all the process parameters on the final mechanical properties. After an initial phase of development, S1 will suggest promising metamaterial structures to be manufactured. Samples that are produced in S2 are shared with S3 for mechanical characterization.

Herr Dipl.-Ing. Florian Lehmann
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About me
After completing my apprenticeship as an electronics technician for automation technology, I began studying mechanical engineering at the Dresden University of Technology (TUD) and specialized in lightweight engineering. As a student assistant at the Institute for Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, I was able to apply my knowledge of automation technology in process technology and functional integration, as well as develop and optimize innovative manufacturing processes. After my diploma thesis at Dr. Ing. h.c. Porsche AG and a short stopover as a production engineer at Diehl Aviation GmbH, I started to research the optimization of process and system technology and the problems of multi-material production in the LPBF(M) process at the Fraunhofer IWU. My vision at the time was to combine the design freedom of metal 3D printing with the adaptable properties of polymers. In the Research Training Group 2868, I can implement this version and share my interdisciplinary expertise in an international team of highly motivated scientists. In subproject F2, I am responsible for the hybrid functionalization of 3D-printed spinodoid structures. My goal is to further expand the functional scope of these structures with the help of high-performance polymer and to optimize them for a specific application.
When I'm not combining our metal structures with plastics, I'm a passionate photographer and videographer and am involved in the JuniorIng Sachsen e.V. and the Akademischer Club Leichtbau e.V.
My D³ Project
The objective of this subproject is to conduct experimental and numerical analysis of the microstructure’s influence on the bonding properties during the graded functionalisation of metamaterials. In addition to initial conceptual investigations for the graded hybridization, experimental analyses are carried out considering possible pre-treatments as well as materials and technologies for coating and infiltration of the metamaterials. Firstly, fundamental interface data, including chemical and geometric surface information, as well as the material composition of the AM metamaterials, is considered for experimental characterisation with regard to the effectiveness of the hybridization. An extensive analysis of the surface microstructure serves as the basis for wetting and viscosity studies for both polymer coating and infiltration of the spinodoid structures. Secondly, my experimental research activities are supported by a surrogate model and a combined experimental-numerical uncertainty quantification, which enables a reduction in the effort required for testing and provides versatile structure-property linkages. This allows me to assess the sensitivity of interface properties with respect to uncertain input parameters. Thirdly, using the results of F1, analyses of different interfacial behaviour between metal, coating and infill are carried out. A validation of the numerical simulated behaviour is performed by an experimental structure analysis using adapted two-dimensional (2D) and/or three-dimensional (3D) imaging methods.

Herr M. Sc. Abel Milor
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Bürogebäude Z21, 241, Raum 244 Zellescher Weg 25
01217 Dresden
Zeunerbau, Raum 342 George-Bähr-Straße 3
01069 Dresden
About me
Having studied Mathematics at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, my main interests are lying between geometry, topology, graph and category theory. After focusing on the use of higher categorical structures to differential geometry during my master’s thesis, my aim in joining the D³ is to apply this theoretical knowledge to new and more application-oriented considerations, including the creation and development of new mathematical tools that can be reused inside or outside the GRK project. Today, my main scientific considerations are about the topology of the metamaterial, with a strong focus on hyperuniform arrangements. This research is a real opportunity for me to explore with more detail other scientific domains, such as mechanical physics and machine learning informatics. Furthermore, I do personally hold in high esteem group work, as well as strong interdisciplinary interactions, and I am always happy to discuss any field of research, even far from mine.
My D³ Project
D2: Morphology and topology description.
My focus is on the geometry of metamaterials, including the spinodal structure, but also beyond. The current goal is to develop topological descriptions of these geometries that can be used for geometry construction, description or inverse problems. These descriptions can be provided for example by Minkowski functionals or by use of persistent homology, both aiming to reflect the local configuration of the structure.
One of the interests of the GRK is the disordered resilient metamaterials. Such structures could be achieved by the application of the mathematical concept of hyperuniformity, that is, of configurations exhibiting a crystal-like order on large scales, but that might be disordered on short ones. Such arrangements would indeed overcome the defect-sensitivity affecting fully ordered structures.
Then, linking these two concepts together, I want to observe, for instance by using machine learning models, the existing linkage between the topology and the hyperuniformity, and to extend the already existing topological tools to achieve a correspondence between the local properties of the structure and the different mechanical properties. This would finally result in new mathematical notions directly applicable to other branches of research, including other projects of the GRK.

Frau Dipl.-Ing. Alexandra Otto
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Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Zeunerbau George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden
Zeunerbau, ZEU 342
01069 Dresden
About me
I am a mechanical engineering graduate of TU Dresden, where I specialized in simulation methods of mechanical engineering. During my studies I mainly worked on topics focusing on the application of Machine Learning methods in the context of applied mechanics. Starting with my diploma thesis, I delved deeper into the topic of fatigue strength and durability estimations of carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) parts for the first time, in collaboration with a Dresden-based engineering company.
After graduation, I joined the company as a simulation engineer. In this role, I built on the topic of my diploma thesis and deepened my expertise in the simulation of rail vehicle components made from CFRP as well as the simulative modeling of the pultrusion manufacturing process of CFRP parts with constant cross-section.
At the start of 2024, I returned to the TU Dresden a research fellow in the "DCube" Research Training Group where I am responsible for the project S1. This project aims to discover new design principles enabling the generation of resilient spinodoid metamaterials. For me, the DCube Research Training group is a great opportunity to work on innovative and application-orientated research topics with a strong scientific background. Working closely in a team of young researchers from various scientific fields is not only a lot of fun, but above all provides many helpful and interesting insights into a wide range of research fields that I would otherwise probably would not have come across.
My D³ project
The S1 project focusses on the application of numerical methods to establish design principles for spinodoid structures and their interfaces based on structure-property linkages. For this purpose, the structural descriptor space of these non-periodic spinodoid geometries is thorougly studied through numerical simulations and subsequently extended to allow high flexibility and tunability of achievable mechanical properties.
When it comes to deriving suitable design principles, the main goal is to understand how specific structural properties affect the mechanical behaviour. This involves both forward mapping from structural descriptors to mechanical properties using simulations and homogenization techniques, as well as the inverse design process from mechanical properties back to the corresponding descriptors.
Establishing such inverse design methods allows for the precise design of structures with respect to a target property. As the project progresses, the workflow, initially developed for effective elastic properties, will be extended to the plastic regime. This will then allow the identification of resilient spinodoid structures optimized for yield strength, strain at failure, and fatigue parameters.

Herr Dipl.-Ing. Max Rosenkranz
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Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Zeunerbau, ZEU 342 George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden
Zeunerbau, ZEU 342
01069 Dresden
About me
After my high school diploma (Abitur) in 2017, I decided to study mechanical engineering at the University of Technology here in Dresden. During that time I chose the specialization Simulation Methods of Mechanical Engineering, focusing in particular on continuum solid mechanics and constitutive modeling. In my research project and diploma thesis I developed data-driven constitutive models based on artificial neural networks, with particular emphasis to the incorporation of fundamental physical principles. After my studies I continued approaching this problem as a research assistent, before becoming part of D3.
My D³ Project
With Ivo Sbalzarini as first supervisor, I am responsible for project D1 - Machine learning for data-driven design. Within this project, I am dealing with the question: What does a metamaterial have to look like in order to have specific desired properties?
There are various approaches to solving questions of that type, which I am investigating and expanding, with a particular focus on the elastic and plastic properties of so-called spinodal structures. The solution to the problem is usually twofold: On the one hand, most methods require a surrogate model for the forward process, i.e. a model for predicting effective properties given a set of structure parameters. On the other hand, a method for the inverse process is needed that allows to find the best possible structural parameters for a desired effective property using this forward model. Consequently, my research covers both the inverse as well as the forward process, as this is often essential for solving the inverse problem.
Therefore, I hope to find reliable and cost efficient methods to generate robust designs in order to help exploiting the full potential of metamaterials with precisely tunable properties.

Herr Dipl.-Ing. Leonhard Stampa
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About me
Already as an undergraduate in materials science, I've been captivated by the mechanical properties of materials and how they relate to their inherent microstructure. Therefore, I decided early to work as a student assistant in the field of material fatigue in order to deepen my understanding of the mechanical behavior of materials. My primary research efforts were dedicated to investigating fatigue crack growth mechanisms in a magnesium alloy and characterizing the fatigue behavior of an additive manufactured (AM) titanium alloy under very high number of cycles. Particularly, the latter aspect captivated me, sparking my interest in additive manufacturing and its complex interplay with the fatigue phenomena.
The Research Training Group (RTG) provides me with an opportunity to broadening my interdisciplinary expertise while also contribute my existing experience and knowledge. The international and interdisciplinary exchange with fellow researchers is especially appealing, offering me an opportunity for both professional and personal development. Within the RTG, my role encompasses the characterization of the mechanical behavior and damage mechanisms of spinodoid metamaterials. The central goal is to get a comprehensive understanding of the interaction between alloy composition, AM processing, and design of the spinodoid mesostructures as well as its influence on deformation behavior, structural integrity, and damage tolerance of the metamaterial.
My research outcomes contribute to grasping the interaction among process-structure-property relationships, establishing a groundwork for the inverse design of metamaterials. Consequently, my results assist in the design of metamaterials with increased resilience and great damage tolerance.
My D³ project
S3: Experimental characterization of process-structure-property linkages
This project focuses on a spatially resolved experimental characterization of additive manufactured spinodoid metamaterials to meet the requirements of the data-driven design addressed in D³ on different scales. Enhanced 3D Digital Image Correlation is utilized for the in-situ characterization of AM spinodoid metamaterials following a path from basic geometries to complex spinodoid structures. Thereby, these structures will be mechanically tested under both quasi-static and cyclic conditions utilizing different load scenarios (e.g. compression). Fatigue testing is of interest as a basic assessment of defect-afflicted AM structures as well as the influence of surface reliefs and additional uncertainties such as shape deviation and pre-treatments, coating materials and –technologies.
The experimental characterization help to assess the alloy composition of M1 and M2, the AM processing in M2 and S2, the hybridization in F2 as well as the spinodal structures designed in S1. Furthermore, the results of the experimental testing serves as input to the simulation in DP and S1, the morphology description in D2 and the uncertainty quantification in D3.
Open position for student assistance
- Research support activities
- Metallographic work
- Assist and assess mechanical testing using in-situ characterization techniques (e.g. digital image correlation)
- Light and electron microscopic examinations (Fractography)
- Possibility of writing the project paper and final thesis

Herr M.Sc. Vishal Sreenivasa
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Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Tragwerke
von-Mises-Bau (VMB), Raum 101 Georg-Schumann-Str. 7
01187 Dresden
Zeunerbau, ZEU 342
01069 Dresden
About me
During my Master's degree in Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures from the University of Stuttgart, I delved deeply into the field of computational mechanics and materials engineering. At the Data Analytics in Engineering group at the University of Stuttgart, my focus expanded to uncertainty quantification and adaptive surrogate modeling. My Master's thesis, conducted at Robert Bosch GmbH, centered on developing adaptive data generation strategies and Machine Learning algorithms for fatigue life prediction. Driven by a passion for computational mechanics and uncertainty quantification, I am eager to apply and further my expertise in quantifying uncertainties in the field of additively manufacturing . This opportunity allows me to advance my research in a dynamic and collaborative environment, aligning perfectly with my career aspirations and research interests.
My D³ Project
Additively manufactured products face uncertainties in both material and geometry. This project aims to quantify the uncertainty in the mesostructure's morphology and its effective properties. This will help identify how sensitive the input parameters are to interface properties and the resilience of the metamaterials.
The concept of polymorphic uncertainty, which considers both epistemic (knowledge-based) and aleatoric (random) uncertainties, is central to this project. Fuzzy-random variables, which have been extensively studied, are a promising approach to modeling these uncertainties. Inverse uncertainty quantification (IUQ) methods use error metrics in the output space to measure uncertainty in the input space. Bayesian inference is commonly used to determine the distribution of uncertain input quantities and can be applied to fuzzy-random variables. Furthermore, from a continuum mechanics perspective, to prevent issues like localization and mesh dependencies, physical failure mechanisms will be modeled and simulated using a nonlocal implicit gradient-enhanced model and form the basis for simulation setup for failure of metamaterials with polymorphic uncertain parameters for morphology description.
Open position for student assistance
- Tasks could include Non Local Damage modelling and Uncertainty Quantification with considerations of damage on structural level. Exploration of surrogate modelling techniques within UQ framework and Bayesian Inversion is a field of focus.

Herr M. Sc. Lukas Volkmer
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About me
My name is Lukas and I studied physics at MLU Halle-Wittenberg and TU Dresden. During my bachelor's program I realized, that staying in the lab is not a thing for me, but running simulations and pen&paper work is far more fun. I am interested in solid state physics, nano science and machine learning. In October 2023 I joined the Research Training Group GRK 2868 as a PhD student. There I use active learning methods to accelerate first principle calculations for the screening of mechanical properties in alloys. In my free time I grow carnivorous plants and like going to the gym.
My D³ Project
In this project, the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of novel alloys are explored. One way to investigate materials on the nano scale is their simulation with density functional theory (DFT) . Hereby, the quantum mechanical nature of the atoms is considered. The configurational space for new alloys depends on the ordering and solubility of the elements and is therefore very large. To support the computational expensive DFT-calculations, machine learning methods are used to construct potential energy surfaces. Those can be used to run molecular dynamics simulations.
Open position for student assistance
- Possible tasks: Simulation of materials with first principle methods ( density functional theory, ab initio molecular dynamics) or classical methods ( classical molecular dynamics)

Herr M.Sc. Zhengqing Wei
Institut für Physik, Theoretische Physik quantenmechanischer Prozesse und Systeme (TQPS)
Institut für Physik, Theoretische Physik quantenmechanischer Prozesse und Systeme (TQPS)
Physik-Gebäude, C60.313.1 Reichenhainer Straße 70
09126 Chemnitz
Zeunerbau, ZEU 341
01069 Dresden
About me
During my lab working in the industry on polymer materials research, I witnessed the rapid development of Industry 4.0. This development highlighted the significant role of digitalization in industrial manufacturing, as well as in the new materials researches. I found that computational materials scientists could study materials through modeling and the first-principle calculations, which sparked my interest in material researches via simulations. To deepen my knowledge, I pursued a Master’s degree in Advanced Functional Materials at Chemnitz University of Technology. There, I learned about cutting-edge topics of functional materials, also including the specialized knowledges in, for instance, surface and interface sciences, crystallography, and solid-state physics. I conducted simulation studies on the design of InGaN materials for the solar cells in my research project and master’s thesis. The RTG 2868 D³ subproject F1 presents an excellent opportunity for my doctoral research. I am highly interested in theoretical surface science and computational material sciences. My doctoral research will focus on an in-depth investigation of the interfaces between aluminum alloys and polymers using numerical simulations methods.
My D³ Project
The F1 project focuses on the multiscale simulation of polymer-alloy interfaces, particularly considering 3D-printed metallic microstructures. The primary aim is to achieve a fundamental understanding and target-oriented design of interface properties to integrate spinodoid structures into technical systems, thereby enhancing resilience and enabling graded functionalization. This will be achieved through computer-based modeling of both bare and functionalized surfaces of spinodoid Al-Mg-Zr-based structures using Density Functional Theory (DFT) and ABINIT as the simulation tool.
The project involves first-principles modeling of polymer bonding on nano- and microstructured metallic alloy surfaces and simulating ordering and disordering processes in the surface and near-interface regions of polymer/metal contacts. Additionally, it aims to integrate this data with larger-scale simulations of multilayer material composites and contribute to the GRK-wide strategy for data-based optimization of mechanical metamaterials.
Furthermore, the project will develop models for the surface composition of Al-based alloy, investigate their oxidation resistance as a function of composition, and create DFT-based descriptors for the data-driven optimization of metamaterials. The generated data will be exchanged with other subprojects for functionalization studies, ensuring a comprehensive approach to the design and application of these advanced materials.

Dr.-Ing. Karl Kalina
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Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Zeunerbau, Zimmer 356 George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden

Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Raßloff
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Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Zeunerbau, Zimmer 350 George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden

Dipl.-Ing. Paul Seibert
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Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
George-Bähr-Straße 3c, Zimmer 350
01069 Dresden

Dipl.-Ing. Lennart Linden
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Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Zeunerbau, Zimmer 350 George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden

Dipl.-Ing. Ulrike Gebhardt
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Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Zeunerbau, Zimmer 355 George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameDipl.-Ing. Maik Punke
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Adressen des Institutes
Adressen des Institutes
Bürogebäude Z 21, 244 Zellescher Weg 21-25 a
01069 Dresden

Nadja Kühne
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Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik
Zeunerbau, 352A
01069 Dresden
Data Steward

B.A. Philip Träger
Professur für Werkstoffmechanik und Schadensfallanalyse
Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik IWS Winterbergstraße 28
01277 Dresden