Project A13: Edge Caching Solution Based on the HAEC Box
The goal of this project is to demonstrate the computational power as well as energy saving potentials of the HAEC box. In order to validate the performance of the HAEC box, one promising use case for Phase II has been identified to demonstrate, namely secure edge caching exploiting network coding as the key enabler for security, energy efficiency, and reduced latency. In order to reduce the energy consumption of the network coding technology, massive multi-core support of the technology is implemented.
Role within the CRC 912
A detailed description of the dierent collaborations with other groups are given in the text, but we highlight the most important reason to collaborate here. Together with A02 (Fettweis/Dörpinghaus/Fischer) we will discuss dierent coding possibilities such as LDPC and network coding codes relevant for the storage and transport. Furthermore we will discuss the implementation of a future service for the HAEC Box in Phase III, namely a base station. Together with A04 (Nagel) we will carry out in depth energy measurements of the secure edge cloud implementation. With A08 (Strufe/Franz/Jorswieck) we will implement light weight security mechanisms based on network coding. With A03 (Jorswieck) and A12 (Santini) we will develop combined transport and storage approaches for intra and inter cloud communication. Together with B04 (Härtig) and B07 (Castrillón Mazo) the current implementation work of the secure edge cloud onto the HAEC Box is discussed with respect to compiler and operating system design and prepared for a later Phase III introducing further services.
Principal Investigators
PhD Students