Master's program Computer Science (in planning from WiSe 2025/2026)
Table of contents
After you have learned the basics of computer science in your Bachelor's degree, the English-language Master's degree in Computer Science allows you to specialize. You can choose from a wide range of subject areas such as automation, artificial intelligence, software engineering, architecture of hardware and software systems, logical modeling, distributed system architectures or graphical data processing. The aim is to make you a specialist in your chosen subject areas who is also aware of the responsibility for the potential impact of computer science applications and systems.
After graduating, you can choose to pursue an academic career, teach about computer science and contribute to its further development. A research-oriented industrial career is also open to you, where you can contribute your knowledge to expert teams. As an M.Sc. student, you will be ready to acquire new areas of knowledge, structure them across domains, develop suitable models and thus further develop yourself.
Structure and content
The degree program has a modular structure and is research-oriented. The course provides you with both applied and academic expertise in the focus areas of your choice.
The courses are spread over four semesters, with the fourth semester reserved for writing your thesis and holding the colloquium. The third semester is designed in such a way that you can use it for a temporary stay at another university. You can also complete it as part-time study in accordance with the regulations for part-time study.
The degree program allows you to choose between two tracks - the Open Track and the Distributed Systems Engineering track.
Common to both tracks are the research project, which is completed in the 3rd semester, the modules of the compulsory elective area of general qualifications, in which you acquire skills in rhetoric, presentation, communication skills, social commitment or foreign language skills, as well as the Master's thesis, with which you complete your Master's degree.
Open Track
In the Open Track of the degree program, you can choose from 8 subject areas with a large number of compulsory elective modules, whereby modules from three subject areas worth 12 credit points each must be selected; the modules can only be selected if they have not already been selected in the compulsory elective area Supplement. The subject areas are as follows:
Knowledge Models,
Model Checking,
Advanced Theoretical Computer Science,
Advanced Symbolic Artificial Intelligence,Advanced Problem Solving and Search,
Complexity Theory
- Self-Adaptive Software and Cobotics,
- Foundations of Certified Programming Language and Compiler Design,
- Immersive and Interactive Software Development,
- Software Management and Quality Assurance,
- Component-Based Software Engineering,
- Advanced Software Engineering,
- Requirements and Test Management,
- Design Patterns and Frameworks,
- Future-Proof Software Systems,
- Model-Driven Software Development in Technical Spaces
- Foundations of Concurrent and Distributed Systems,
- Privacy-Enhancing Technologies,
- Software Fault Tolerance,
- Confidential Computing,
- Concurrent and Distributed Systems Lab,
- Network and Distributed Systems Security,
- Systems Security Lab,
- Software Fault Tolerance Lab
- Systems Engineering,
- Scalable Data Engineering,
- Scalable Data Management,
- Distributed Systems,
- Service and Cloud Computing,
- IoT Communication,
- Advanced Computer Networks,
- Wireless Sensor Networks,
- Internet and Web Applications,
- Resilient Systems,
- Database Management and -Engineering Lab,
- Advanced Operating Systems,
- Operating-System Construction,
- Hauptseminar Data Management,
- Microkernel Construction,
- Microkernel-Based Operating Systems,
- Engineering Adaptive Mobile Applications,
- Internet Measurements,
- Prediction and Estimation Techniques,
- Decentralized Systems
- Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems,
- Industrial Communications,
- Cooperative Mobile Systems,
- Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling Lab,
- Vehicular Networking,
- Model-Driven Automation,
- Closed-Loop Control in Networked Control Systems,
- Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling Lab Advanced,
- Industrial Internet of Things,
- Engineering and Management of Industrial Networks,
- Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Lab
- Foundations of Computer Graphics,
- Foundations of Data Visualization,
- Machine Learning,
- Computer Vision,
- Geometric Modelling and Animation,
- Interactive Information Visualization,
- Advanced Virtual Reality,
- Scientific Visualisation,
- Creative Computing,
- Physics Based Graphics,
- Foundations of Virtual Reality,
- Computer and Robot-Assisted Surgery,
- Spatial Computing
- User Interface Engineering,
- Advanced User Interfaces,
- Multimodal User Interfaces,
- Audio Interfaces,
- Applied Immersive Media,
- Interactive Multimedia Information Retrieval,
- Artistic Interaction Technology,
- Audio Processing,
- OUTPUT.DD Workshop,
- Philosophy and Computing sowie
- Experiments in Immersive Media
- High Performance Computing,
- Performance Analysis of Computing Systems,
- Efficient Parallel Algorithms,
- Highly Parallel Programming of GPUs,
- Adaptive Dynamic Systems Lab,
- Structure and Operation Principle of Processors,
- Digitization and Data Analytics,
- Design and Programming of Embedded Multicore Architectures,
- Introduction to Computer Engineering,
- Hardware Modeling and Simulation
The supplementary elective area contains
- all compulsory elective modules in the above-mentioned subject areas,
- 11 non-computer science supplements (formerly called "minor subjects"), each with one basic and one specialization module as well as
- an analysis of a research topic module, which helps to prepare students for writing their final thesis.
Distributed Systems Engineering track
The Distributed Systems Engineering track enables you to analyze challenges in the field of distributed (software) systems, to design and develop solutions and to operate distributed (software) systems. The program provides both in-depth knowledge of the domain and a wide range of domain-specific aspects, such as software engineering, system architecture and security.
With the Distributed Systems Engineering track, you opt for a degree program with a predefined study path. In addition to the compulsory modules, there is a selection of track-specific compulsory elective modules from which you can choose modules worth 36 credit points:
- IoT Communication,
- Advanced Computer Networks,
- Self-Adaptive Software and Cobotics,
- Operating-System Construction,
- Cooperative Mobile Systems,
- Vehicular Networking,
- Component-Based Software Engineering,
- Internet and Web Applications,
- Wireless Sensor Networks,
- Foundations of Concurrent and Distributed Systems,
- Concurrent and Distributed Systems Lab,
- Software Fault Tolerance,
- Confidential Computing,
- Design and Programming of Embedded Multicore Architectures,
- Resilient Systems,
- Microkernel Construction,
- Decentralized Systems,
- Microkernel-Based Operating Systems,
- Future-Proof Software Systems,
- Internet Measurements,
- Engineering Adaptive Mobile Applications,
- Prediction and Estimation Techniques,
- Software Fault Tolerance Lab,
- Hardware Modeling and Simulation,
- Model-Driven Software Development in Technical Spaces,
- Requirements and Test Management
If you pass the Master's examination, you will be awarded the degree "Master of Science" (abbreviated to M.Sc.).
Detailed information on the requirements for admission to the Master's degree course in Computer Science can be found on the Admission requirements website.