Committees and Delegates
The Faculty's Committees and Commissions, 2021 – 2024
Prof. Markus Kästner (Chair)
Prof. Frank Will
Prof. Johannes Markmiller
Prof. Berthold Schlecht
Dr. Daniel Bernhardt
Dr. Birgit Vetter
Student Christian Kastelewicz
University lecturers
Prof. Dr. Beckmann, Michael
Prof. Dr. Felsmann, Clemens
Prof. Dr. Leyens, Christoph
Prof. Dr. Wagemans, Anja Maria
Prof. Dr. Brosius, Alexander
Prof. Dr. Beitelschmidt, Michael
Prof. Dr. Gude, Maik
Prof. Dr. Wiesmann, Hans Peter
Prof. Dr. Chokri, Cherif
Prof. Dr. Schmidt, Thorsten
Prof. Dr. Fröhlich, Jochen
Prof. Dr. Tajmar, Martin (substitute representative)
Prof. Dr. Odenbach, Stefan (substitute representative)
Academic staff
Dr. Weiß, Uta
Dr. Jaschinski, Jörn
Dr. Voigt, Matthias
Dr. Penter, Lars
Dr. Rosenlöcher, Thomas (substitute representative)
Dr. Sennewald, Cornelia (substitute representative)
Dr. Klinghammer, Stephanie (substitute representative)
Other employees
Gladrow, Lars
Berndt, Robert (substitute representative)
Equal Opportunities Officer
May, Stephanie
Dr. Schubert, Veneta (substitute representative)
Dr. Steingroewer, Juliane (substitute representative)
Heinicke, Tim
Schwarz, Kiara
Dingfeld, Jannis
Bacher, David
Schaarschmidt, Jessica (substitute representative)
Zinzow, Anna-Lena (substitute representative)
Donath, Johannes Constantin (substitute representative)
Prof. Michael Beckmann (Chair)
Prof. Thomas Wallmersperger (Deputy Chair)
Prof. Thomas Herlitzius
Prof. Jochen Fröhlich
Prof. Thorsten Schmidt
Prof. Alexander Brosius
Prof. Stefan Odenbach
Prof. Cornelia Breitkopf
Prof. Maik Gude
Prof. Christoph Leyens
Prof. Martin Tajmar
Prof. Chokri Cherif (substitute member)
Dr. Matthias Voigt (ISM)
Lars Gladrow
Dr. Cornelia Sennewald (substitute member fB)
Robert Berndt (substitute member nwB)
Student Tim Heinicke
Student Martin Döhnel (substitute member)
Ina Winkler (permanent guest)
Stephanie May (permanent guest)
Examination, Doctoral and Undergraduate Bodies, 2021 – 2024
Prof. Berthold Schlecht (Chair)
Prof. Kristin Paetzold-Byhain
Prof. Cornelia Breitkopf
Prof. Maik Gude
Prof. Hans Peter Wiesmann
Prof. Kerstin Eckert
Dr. Jörn Jaschinski
Prof. Andrés Lasagni (substitute member)
Caroline Meißner (permanent guest)
Stephanie May (substitute guest)
Mechanical Engineering, Textile and Clothing Technology, Process Engineering and Natural Materials Technology, Material Science, Chemical Engineering
Prof. Thorsten Schmidt (Chair)
Prof. Alexander Brosius (Deputy Chairman)
Prof. Thomas Walther
Prof. Stefan Odenbach
Prof. Markus Kästner
Dr. Birgit Vetter
Dr. Thomas Rosenlöcher
Student Johannes Bohn
Student Saghi Vaziri
Student Tim Wagner
Student Johannes Bohn (substitute member)
Prof. Harald Pfifer (substitute member)
Prof. Frank Atzler (substitute member)
Ivonne Herzog-Schaudick (guest)
Thomas Schön (guest)
Dr. Angelika Körting (guest)
Contact person:

Ivonne Herzog-Schaudick Dipl.-Verk.-Wirtsch.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Tasks of the program coordinators
Program Coordinator Mechanical Engineering (MB):
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Odenbach
Student representative
Christian Kastelewicz (Ersatzvertreter)
Max Rucker (Ersatzvertreter)
Program Coordinator Process Engineering and Natural Materials Technology (VT/VNT):
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Schubert
Student representative
Maximilian Klaus
NN (substitute representative)
Program Coordinator Material Science (WW):
Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Hans Peter Wiesmann
Student representative
Eduardo Pérez Garcia
Program Coordinator Textile and Clothing Technology (MATKT)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Chokri Cherif
Student representative
Anna-Lena Zinzow
Program Coordinator Mechatronics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Uwe Marschner
Program Coordinator Renewable Energy Systems (RES)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Clemens Felsmann
Mechanical engineering
Textile and clothing technology
Prof. Stefan Odenbach (Chair)
Prof. Alexander Brosius (Deputy Chairman)
Prof. Uwe Hampel
Prof. Frank Atzler
Prof. Jens-Peter Majschak
Prof. Hans-Christian Schmale (substitute representative)
Prof. Thomas Walther (substitute representative)
Prof. Michael Beitelschmidt (substitute representative)
Student Frederic Turloff
Student Tim Heinicke
Student Carolin Paulusch
Student Martin Döhnel
Student John Kühnemuth
Student Till Siemon Jünger (substitute representative)
Ivonne Herzog-Schaudick (guest)
Thomas Schön (guest)
Dr. Angelika Körting (guest)
Process Engineering
Process Engineering and Natural Materials Technology
Prof. Thomas Walther (Chair)
Prof. Markus Schubert
Prof. Anja Maria Wagemans
Prof. André Wagenführ
Prof. Stefan Odenbach (substitute member)
Student Freya Domaschke
Student Oscar Carlos Hagen Kubiak
Student Jessica Schaarschmidt
Student Lene Adler
Student Flora Lina Üregi (substitute member)
Ivonne Herzog-Schaudick (guest)
Thomas Schön (guest)
Dr. Angelika Körting (guest)
Material Science
Prof. Thomas Walther (Chair)
Prof. Hans Peter Wiesmann
Prof. Stefan Odenbach (substitute member)
Student Eduardo Pérez Garcia
Student Felix Martin Wolf
Student Tim Wagner (substitute member)
Ivonne Herzog-Schaudick (guest)
Thomas Schön (guest)
Dr. Angelika Körting (guest)
The Faculty's Officers, 2021 – 2024
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Clemens Felsmann
Professor Stefan Odenbach
Stephanie May
Dr. Veneta Schubert (Vice OfficerEqual Opportunities)
Dr. Juliane Steingroewer (Vice Officer Equal Opportunities)
Further information and contact details can be found on the following websites
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ralph H. Stelzer
Dr.-Ing. Martin Hofmann