Mar 07, 2025
ITM and KOTMI sign Memorandum of Understanding to promote research into recycled fibers and industrial textile applications
We are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) at TU Dresden and the Korea Textile Machinery Convergence Research Institute (KOTMI) on February 27, 2025.
This strategic partnership aims to promote joint research and development work in the field of application of recycled fibers for industrial fiber and textile products. In addition, the MOU enables cooperation in government-funded projects, the establishment of professional exchange and cooperation networks and other cooperation activities relevant to both institutions.
KOTMI is already an active partner of ITM in the international research project "Development of energy-efficient loop technologies for the recovery of rCF and of dust- and twist-free hybrid yarns and fabrics for composites in the automotive industry (EcoLoop-rCF-Yarn)".
This project is jointly funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) under the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) in Germany and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea (MOTIE).
This MOU will further strengthen scientific cooperation between Germany and the Republic of Korea and promote innovation in sustainable textile technologies.