Jul 26, 2017
Call for Visiting professorship - project “ADDED VALUE"
TU Dresden is one of the biggest Institutes of Technology in Germany and one of the leading and most dynamic universities in Germany. As a largely diversified university with altogether 14 faculties in 5 areas it offers a total of 129 courses of studies and covers a wide spectrum of research.
In each of our three technically oriented schools - the “School of Science”, the “School of Engineering Sciences” as well as the “School of Civil and Environmental Engineering” - we are offering a Visiting professorship starting on April 1 2018. This post is part of the project “ADDED VALUE” and is limited to 6 months. A salary comparable to W2 / W3 is being offered.
The project “ADDED VALUE” involves dealing with research issues in MINT subjects in which the application- and user-oriented focus is enhanced by the implication of Gender and Diversity aspects. As visiting professor you are actively integrated in research and teaching according to your scientific qualification and fields of interest. The concrete nature of tasks will be specified in consultation with the faculties of the respective schools. In addition to research activities, this implies active involvement in the teaching of about 4 SWS as well as in different committees and other activities. We expect your involvement to be full time.
Based on the employment qualification requirements of § 58 SächsHSFG, your application should include a university degree compatible with the professional spectrum described above, a PhD and habilitation (post-doctoral qualification) or the equivalent to a habilitation as well as teaching experience. We are looking for a dynamic personality who supports the profile of the respective schools with appropriate research experience and inspires our students with high motivation and didactic ability. We would particularly appreciate it if you had already gained experience in the implementation of Gender and Diversity aspects in research, preferably in MINT fields.
For information on the project, see https://tu-dresden.de/gleichstellung/mehrwert2018.
If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact the team of the Gender Equality Commission, phone +49 351463-36423, or via Email: ).
Please send your application with curriculum vitae, account of scientific development, list of publications, list of lectures as well as the research and teaching concept for the stay at TU Dresden as a single copy as well as in electronic form (CD) until 03.08.2017 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail service applies) to:
TU Dresden, Bereich Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, GenderConceptGroup, Herrn Prof. Dr. Stefan Horlacher, 01062 Dresden or as one pdf file via e-mail to (Please note: We are currently not able to receive electronically signed and encrypted data.).