Excellence in Lightweight Design
The Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) is the internationally acknowledged institute for research, development and student training in the area of function-integrative system lightweight engineering in multi-material design.

Excellence in Lightweight Design
The Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) is a research institution of Technische Universität Dresden’s Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering and the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences.
Approximately 240 members of staff conduct comprehensive research and development projects in the field of resource-saving lightweight construction with high material and energy efficiency. Work at ILK is shaped by the Dresden model of “function-integrative system lightweight engineering in multi-material design” and is based on a cross-materials and cross-product approach. In the development of new concepts, processes and products, our scientists consider the entire development chain: material – construction – simulation – production – prototype testing – quality assurance – costs. ILK is run by a two-member executive board: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude (Chair of Lightweight Systems Engineering and Multi Material Design) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Niels Modler (Chair of Function-integrative Lightweight Engineering, Board Spokesperson for the ILK).