Nov 22, 2018
ILK researchers intensify cooperation with Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore

Dresden researcher visit Singapore. From left to right: Dr. Michael L. Abundo (Rolls Royce@NTU Corporate Lab), Prof. Sridhar (NTU), Dr. Daniel Weck, Dr. Andreas Hornig (both ILK)
From November 19th to 21st, scientists from the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) at TU Dresden visited the Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab in Singapore. The aim was to deepen the relationship between the two Rolls-Royce University Technology Centres (UTC) in Singapore and Dresden. ILK researchers Dr. Andreas Hornig and Dr. Daniel Weck learned about the activities of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in the fields of artificial intelligence, electrical power and 3D printing. In many face-to-face expert discussions with their colleagues from Singapore, the scientists were able to precise focal points of the future cooperation and stipulated a long-term exchange of knowledge and staff.
“The engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce bundles its research activities at selected universities worldwide in the University Technology Centres. Each UTC stands for outstanding research in important engineering fields. Students, doctoral students and scientists benefit from this network, giving them the opportunity to complete learning and research internships at the partner institutions," says Prof. Gude, director of UTC Dresden. In the past, for example, more than 150 students have taken part in this exchange.
The UTC Dresden acts as a trendsetter in the field of lightweight structures, materials and robust design and follows the aim of transferring results from academic research into industrial practice at Rolls-Royce. The turbine manufacturer and the TU Dresden have been working closely together on research since 1994, which led to the founding of the UTC Dresden in 2006. In addition to the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), four other TU Dresden facilities are involved in the research work: the Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion Systems, the Chair of Thermal Energy Machines and Systems, the Chair of Materials Engineering and the Chair of Machine Elements.
The joint research contributes significantly to the development of engines with lower fuel consumption and thereby greater environmental compatibility. So far, more than 150 joint research projects have been carried out at UTC Dresden, involving up to 100 scientists and technicians from TU Dresden at all times. The large number of research projects at UTC creates additional jobs at the participating research partners and suppliers.

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hornig
Deputy Head of Calculation Methods and Simulation
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Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
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01307 Dresden