Apr 03, 2023
Indian Ambassador visits TU Dresden: strengthened cooperation in the future
India has undergone rapid development over the past decades, meaning that it has a key role to play in global challenges like the fight against climate change. The country has enjoyed long-term relations with TU Dresden and Germany as a whole, particularly in the area of science and technology. On March 9, the Ambassador of the Republic of India to Germany, Harish Parvathaneni, and Dr. Madhusudan Reddy Nandineni, Counselor (Science & Technology), paid a visit to TU Dresden. They sat down with TU Dresden’s Rector Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger and other university representatives to discuss the existing and future collaboration.
The following is a selection of currently ongoing joint projects with Indian partners:
DAAD Global Water and Climate Adaptation Center (ABCD Center)
Indo-European Heritage Network
Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases
Close collaboration between TU Dresden’s Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Biotechnology at IIT Madras as well as Dr. Ramachandran’s Diabetes Hospital
COMPOLL: Combating environmental pollution through internationalization of education
Connected intelligent urban transport
Long-standing collaboration of TU Dresden’s Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences with the Connected Intelligent Urban Transport Center of Excellence at IIT Madras
You can find further background information on the joint projects at: https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/newsportal/news/globale-herausforderungen-gemeinsam-angehen-tud-will-partnerschaft-mit-indien-ausbauen
Contact at the International Office of TU Dresden
Peter Rosenbaum
Tel. +49 351 46337571