Nov 13, 2018
Innovative vibratory rammers - joint R&D project with Saxon SMEs

Conventional vibratory rammers only allow a small margin for reducing emissions and improving handling.
In close cooperation with RAVI Bau- und Mietgeräte GmbH and EMEC-Prototyping GmbH, scientists from the Institute for Lightweight Construction and Polymer Technology (ILK) at TU Dresden are working on a new generation of vibratory rammers as part of the joint project "New Generation of Efficiency Enhanced, Emission-Free Vibratory Rammers - RAVI". The new machines to be developed are intended to significantly reduce the burden on the users through targeted vibration decoupling, in addition to significantly increasing efficiency, reducing mass and largely eliminating emissions.
Vibratory rammers have been used millions of times over for decades, primarily in road construction and civil engineering, but also in landscaping. Thanks to their manoeuvrability and ease of operation, they are particularly suitable for use in confined spaces. The technology of the units has been continuously developed over time and has reached a remarkable level for top models. However, the combustion engines currently in use only allow a small margin for reducing emissions and improving handling.
The ILK researchers led by Prof. Niels Modler and their industrial partners are meeting the requirements for emission-free operation by replacing the combustion engine currently in use with an electric, battery-operated drive system. This system should have a more compact design and lower mass. The vibrations transmitted to the user will be considerably reduced by targeted use of compliant fiber composite structures. After completion of the joint R&D project, the results will be incorporated into the development of a vibrating tamper, which will be produced and distributed by RAVI in a small to medium series.
The research and development project is supported by funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and tax revenues on the basis of the budget approved by the Members of the Saxon Parliament.

Chair of Function-integrative Lightweight Engineering
NameProf. Dr.-Ing. Niels Modler
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Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
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