Cooperation with the Chair of Food engineering
The focus of the research work of the Chair of Food Engineering, that is also reflected by the subjects of the running research projects, is in the following fields:
- Characterisation of biological raw materials used for processing
- Development and optimisation of various procedures in food technology
- Food rheology, food microbiology and sensory analysis
On demand we are also available for performing analysis on the request of external customers. We are also keen to solve individual, analytical or technological problems.
Contact: lebensmitteltechnik(at)
- Small-scale units for the processing of plant and animal materials such as milling units, various air- and liquid based separation units, extruders, crystallisation units, screw press and cutting tools
- Electronically coupled fermentation systems up to 80 L volume with integrated exhaust analysis, tools for the execution of molecular biological analysis, and BSB-sensors
- Laser flow cytometry, PCR- and electrophoresis units, as well as various microscopic systems including fluorescence technique and image analysis
- Gas chromatographs, GC/MS, and analytical and preparative HPLC, differential scanning calorimetry, infrared and fluorescence spectroscopy, equipment for surface and interfacial tension measurements, surface area analyzers, and tools for sufficient colour analysis
- Strain- and stress-controlled dynamic rheometers, dynamic-mechanical analysis, universal testing machines for compressive and tensile testing, penetrometers and extensographs, and different kneading units