MW-VNT-75 Fundamentals of wood anatomy
Qualification goals
Students have basic knowledge of the anatomy of wood. They will be able to recognize wood anatomical characteristics of the most important indigenous timber species and will be able to independently determine and describe wood species. Students have a basic knowledge of wood science in the field of systematic and applied anatomy of wood and are able to pursue further studies in this field. They are able to carry out a precise scientific anatomical examination of a given type of wood and document it in a complex manner. Furthermore, students have basic knowledge of the microscopic and sub-microscopic cell structure of wood and plant species relevant to paper technology and are able to recognize and document influences from the processes of paper production and processing on cell morphology.
The module covers the basics of forests and trees, the macroscopic, microscopic and sub-microscopic structure of wood, wood characteristics and structural changes to derive certain wood properties, the special tissue of trees, the influence of structural characteristics on wood properties and the technical use of native and non-native wood species, macroscopic characteristics for determining wood species, cell types and shapes as well as morphological structural characteristics for macroscopic and microscopic recognition of wood and plant species relevant to wood technology and paper technology, staining methods for microscopic wood species description and cell analysis as well as the variation of cell shapes during paper production processes.
Lecturers responsible
Prof. Dr. A. Wagenführ/ Dr. S. Heinemann
Enrollment and documents for the module are offered via the online platform OPAL.