Postal and Visitors Addresses
Postal Address
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik
01062 Dresden
Visitors Address

Department Hohe Straße (Management, Administration and Chair of Assembly Technology for Textile Products)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology
01062 Dresden

Department Zeuner-Bau
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Zeuner-Bau George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology
01062 Dresden

Department Dobritz-Haus D
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology
01062 Dresden

Test Field Walter-Frenzel-Bau
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Walter-Frenzel-Bau George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology
01062 Dresden

Test Field Textile Machinery Hall
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology
01062 Dresden

Test Field Textile Machinery Hall Dobritz
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology
01062 Dresden