Directions to ITM
For better orientation, refer to this general overview map of Dresden with all ITM sites. There are also two more detailed maps showing the following individual institute sections:
- Section Hohe Straße 6
- Section Zeuner-Bau, George-Bähr-Straße 3c
- Experimental Area Walter-Frenzel-Bau, George-Bähr-Straße 3c
- Experimental Area New Textile Machinery Hall, George-Bähr-Straße 1c
- Section and Experimental Area Textile Machinery Hall Dobritz, Breitscheidstraße 78-82
Please use for your route planning: Campus-Navigator at TU Dresden.
Detailed Map 1: | No. 1 - 4: Institute Sections, Experimental Areas |
Detailed Map 2: | No. 5: Section and Experimental Area Textile Machinery Hall Dobritz |
An in-detail description of directions to the ITM can be found here .