Oct 30, 2019
3 ITM Alumni Honored as Best University Graduates
Beste Absolventen der Jahre 2018 und 2019 der Technischen Universität Dresden, der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau und der Hochschulen Reutlingen und Albstadt-Sigmaringen
The Verein Deutscher Textilveredlungsfachleute e.V. (VDTF) preserves and promotes the scientific and technical interests of textile finishers as well as all experts that are directly or indirectly involved with textile finishing.
On October 18th and 19th 2019, the 12th "Textilveredlertag" conference was held in the city of Bayreuth and addressed the German textile industry and its leading role in terms of global sustainability. In an award ceremony, the best graduates of 2018 and 2019 from Technische Universität Dresden, Reutlingen University, and Albstadt-Sigmaringen University were honored.
The following three students from the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology, TU Dresden were awarded a book prize:
- Natascha Steger; Master´s Degree Program: Textile and Ready-to-Wear Technology, 2018
- Dominik Nuss; Diploma Degree Program: Mechanical Engineering/Degree Course: Processing Machines and Textile Machines Engineering, specialication in either Processing Machines or Textile Machines Engineering, 2018
Hung Le Xuan; Diploma Degree Program: Mechanical Engineering/Degree Course: Processing Machines and Textile Machines Engineering, specialication in either Processing Machines or Textile Machines Engineering, 2019