Nov 19, 2018
Kick-off meeting of the RTG2430

Speaker Prof. Cherif introduces the Dresden Technical University
November 1st of 2018 marks the beginning of the Research Training Group 2430 termed "Interactive Fiber Rubber Composites" at TU Dresden in collaboration with the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden. It is aimed at the generation of an innovative class of materials involving the intergration of actuator and sensor networks into flexible fiber-reinforced composite materials.
Prof. Chokri Cherif from the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology (ITM) of TU Dresden acts as spokesman.
Within the upcoming 4.5 years, equipment and material in addition to PhD students will be funded, who will participate in 11 interdisciplinary subprojects.
On November 11th 2018, these doctoral researchers first met all subproject leaders, their employees and the coordinators of the Research Training Group. At the beginning, Prof. Chokri Cherif gave an overview of the Dresden Technical University, which was particularly interesting for international doctoral researchers, some of whom had arrived to Germany only a few days prior to this meeting. Subsequently, all institutes and chairs were briefly presented by the subproject leaders, including a short introduction of each corrsponding Phd candidate.
Dr.-Ing. Rico Hickmann, being the scientific coordinator, provided an introduction into the structure and organization of this Research Training Group , which was followed by an open Q&A and a round of talks. This gave the opportunity for all participants to get to know each other and exchange some initial information. Thus, the foundation for successful and interdisciplinary collaborations was laid, and all involved employees are eager to conquer the scientific challenges ahead.