Scientific Publications 2023
Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Klug, P.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of a highly various warp yarn manipulation system for the fabrication of 2D net-shape non-crimp- fabrics for highly material efficient concrete reinforcements. Journal of Industrial Textiles 53(2023), DOI: 10.1177/15280837231215494 (online)
Golla, A.; Mersch, J.; Hoffmann, G.; Cherif, Ch.: Thermogeneratorpaneele basierend auf multifunktionalen Abstandsgewirken. Technische Textilien 66(2023)5, S. 30-33
Overberg, M.; Khurshid, M. Furqan ; Abdkader, A.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of a micro-scale hybridised yarn structure from recycled carbon, aramid and polyamide 6 staple fibres for thermoplastic composites with improved impact strength. Textile Research Journal (2023), DOI: 10.1177/00405175231197652 (online)
Kopelmann, K.; Bruns, M.; Nocke, A; Cherif, Ch.: Characterization of the viscoelastic properties of yarn materials: Dynamic mechanical analysis in transversal direction. AUTEX Research Journal 24(2024)1, DOI: /10.1515/aut-2023-0002, pp. 20230002
Penzel, P.; Ur Rehman, N.; Hahn, L.; Michler, H.; Cherif, Ch.; Curbach, M.: Leichtigkeit durch Hohlkörper-Platten: Entwicklung leichter Carbonbetonfertigteile auf Basis textiler 3D- Netzgitterträger. CU report (2023), S. 50-52
Frankenbach, L. A.; Lukoschek, S.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Entwicklung einer neuartigen Spinntechnologie zur Realisierung skalierbarer nano-, submikro- und mikrostrukturierter Faseroberflächen für technische und medizinische Anwendungen. (28.11.2023)
Cherif, Ch.: Potential of customized carbon fibers as structural and functional materials. In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 101
Rawal, A.; Singh, D., Kumar; A.; Hussen, M. S.; Kyosev, Y.; Szenti, I.; Kukovecz, A.: Leveraging the bond strength of ultrasonically welded nonwoven materials for personal protective equipment: a synergy of theory and experiments. In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 121
Ludwig, M.; Fischer, S.; Warncke, M.; Häntzscher, E.; Nocke, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Functional leggings with textile-integrated sensor/actuator network for diagnosis and functional electrical stimulation for mobility-impaired people. In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 123
Böhmer, C. H.; Warncke, M.; Böhnke, P.; Cherif, Ch.: Evaluation of textile based kinastethic feedback systems. In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 132
Schulze, T.; Cherif, Ch.; Heuer, H.; Hofmann, D.; Mersch, J.; Schulze, M.: Simulation-supported development of a novel sensor design to increase measurement dynamics and depth resolution in eddy current testing of multiaxial carbon fiber fabrics (poster P32). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 177
Hellweg, L.; Kyosev, Y.; Beer, M.: Safety in fully autonomous passenger cars -Analysis of the current and new requirements for textile-based restraint system (poster P83). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 228
Richter, C.; Klinkhammer, K.; Bendt, E.; Cherif, Ch.: Water pressure difference test system for investigating the porosity of textile surfaces (poster P86). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 231
Cherif, Ch.; Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Curbach, M.; Michler, H.; Rehman, N. U.: Lightweight textile hollow core slabs (poster P98). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 242
Cherif, Ch.; Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Zeißler, A.; Weise, C.; Clauß, M.: Textile reinforcements for recycled asphalt (poster P99). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 244
Zierold, K.; Hahn, L.; Cherif, Ch.: Curvy tapes - warp-knitted tapes for contour-conforming tape laying (poster P100). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 245
Kopelmann, K.; Böhmer, C.; Xuan, H. L.; Cherif, Ch.: Textile sensors for monitoring textile structures of various magnitude (poster P101). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 246
Kern, M.; Pilgrim, J.; Nuß, D.: Constructive developments for novel woven structures (poster P102). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 247
Pilgrim, J.; Kern, M.: Development in weaving technology for integral woven complex textile structures (poster P103). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 248
Huynh, T. A. M.; Pilgrim, J.; Krzikalla, P.; Gereke, T.; Sennewald, C., Cherif, Ch.: Development of durable FRP based on tailored 3D woven fabrics (poster P104). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 249
Lang, T. G.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch., Gereke, T.: Multiscale modelling of the draping behaviour of woven fabrics made from recycled carbon fibre hybrid yearns (poster P105). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 250
Abdkader, A.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Hossain, M.; Cherif, Ch.: High impact metal hybrid structures (poster P106). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 251
Kunzelmann, F.; Kyosev, Y.; Münks, D.: Innovative clothing development at the Chair of Development and Assembly of Textile Products (poster P107). In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 252
Obst, A.; Hossain, M.; Gesell, S.; Abdkader, A., Cherif, Ch.: Development of high-performance and cost-effective stainless steel spun yarns from planed metal staple fibers for technical application. In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 75
Kuznik, I.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Exploration of new sustainable raw material sources for the biopolymer chitin and the latest developments in the chitosan fiber spinning. In: Proceedings. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, Dresden, 30. November - 01. Dezember 2023, p. 92
Popal, Z.; Nickel, K. F.; Wöltje, M.; Aibibu, D.; Knipfer, C.; Smeets, R.; Renné, T.: Polyphosphate loaded silk fibroin membrane as hemostatic agent in oral surgery – a pilot study. International Journal of Implant Dentistry (2023)9:44, DOI: 10.1186/s40729-023-00503-0 (online)
Hasan, M. M. b.; Bachor, S.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Tensile properties of thermoset composites based on yarn structures from recycled carbon fibre and low melting temperature Co-polyamide fibre. Journal of Composite Materials (2023), DOI: 10.1177/00219983231217138 (online)
Trümper, W.: Die zweite Haut – Passformgerechte Sensor- Aktorgestricke. Vortrag / Technischer Ausschuss - Herbstsitzung 2023, Reutlingen, 08. November 2023
Ur Rehman, N.; Stümpel, M.; Michler, H.; Penzel, P.; Beckmann, B.; Hahn, L.; Cherif, Ch.; Marx, S.: Experimental investigation of beams reinforced with carbon 2D-Netzgitterträger reinforcement. buildings 13(2023)10, DOI: 10.3390/buildings13102552 (online)
Friese, D.; Hahn, L.; Le Xuan, H.; Mersch, J.; Neef, T.; Mechtcherine, V.; Cherif, Ch.: Robot-assisted manufacturing technology for 3D non-metallic reinforcement structures in the construction applications. Buildings 13(2023)11, DOI: 10.3390/buildings13112748 (online)
anonym: Entwicklung von textilen 3D-Netzgitterträgern und deren Herstellungstechnologie für die effiziente Fertigung von leichten Carbonbetonfertigteilen (IGF 21556 BR). Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, Abschlussbericht, 2023
Croft A.S.; Fuhrer, J.; Wöltje, M.; Gantenbein, B.: Creating tissue with intervertebral disc-like characteristics using Gdf5 functionalized silk scaffolds and human mesenchymal stromal cells. European Cells and Materials 46(2023), DOI: 10.22203/eCM.v046a01 (online)
Münks, D.; Kyosev, Y.; Kunzelmann, F.: Potential and challenges of high-speed (4D) body scanning for mobility analysis of firefighter clothing. EXCLI Journal 22(2023), DOI: 10.17179/excli2023-6101 (online)
Penzel, P.; Ur Rehman, N.; Hahn, L.; Michler, H.; Cherif, Ch.; Curbach, M.: Leichtigkeit durch Hohlkörper-Platten: Entwicklung leichter Carbonbetonfertigteile auf Basis textiler 3D- Netzgitterträger. (27.10.2023)
Liebscher, H.; Koenigsdorff, M.; Endesfelder, A.; Mersch, J.; Zimmermann, M.; Gerlach, G.: Understanding the impact of active-to-passive area ratio on deformation in one-dimensional dielectric elastomer actuators with uniaxial strain state. materials 16(2023)21, DOI: 10.3390/ma16216897 (online)
Kuznik, I.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Nachhaltige Herstellung hochreiner Chitosanfilamentgarne mit hohem Leistungs- und Funktionsvermögen. Technische Textilien 66(2023)4, S. 26-28
Hasan, M. M. B.; Overberg, M.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Thermoplasthybridstrukturen aus gehobelten Aluminium- und recycelten Hochleistungsfasern / Thermoplastic hybrid structures from planed aluminum and recycled high-performance fibers Technische Textilien/Technical Textiles 66(2023)4, S. 52-53, pp. 44-45
Huynh, T. A. M.; Pham, M. Q.; Hoffmann, G.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, Ch.: Simulationsgestützte Entwicklung von Mehrlagengeweben für High-Tech-Anwendungen / Simulation-based development of 3D woven fabrics for high-tech applications. Technische Textilien/Technical Textiles 66(2023)4, S. 46-49, pp. 38-41
Abdkader, A.; Bachor, S.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of yarns from recycled carbon fibre based on friction spinning technology with specific properties for thermoset composites. Textile Research Journal (2023), DOI: 10.1177/0040517523119827 (online)
Scheurer, M.; Friese, D.; Penzel, P.; Dittel, G.; Bhat, S.; Overhage, V.; Hahn, L.; Heins, K.; Cherif, Ch.; Gries, T.: Current and future trends in textiles for concrete construction applications. Textiles 3(2023)4, DOI: 10.3390/textiles3040025 (online)
Annadata, A. R.; Endesfelder, A.; Koenigsdorff, M.; Mersch, J.; Gereke, T.; Zimmermann, M.; Cherif, Ch.: Evaluation of bend-twist coupling in shape memory alloy integrated fiber rubber composites. In: Proceedings. Eccomas: Composites 2023, Trapani (Italy), September 12-14, 2023
Bruns, M.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Conductive PEDOT fibers: Novel fibers for use as sensors, actuators and smart textiles. In: Proceedings. 62. Dornbirn-GFC 2023, (Dornbirn, Österreich), 13.-15. September 2023
Frankenbach, Lukoschek, S.; L. A.; Callhoff, C.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Sustainable polypropylene fibers: Upcycling of post-consumer food packaging to high quality yarns In: Proceedings. 62. Dornbirn-GFC 2023, (Dornbirn, Österreich), 13.-15. September 2023
Kuznik, I.: Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Technology development for production of chitosan multifilament yarns with high performance and functionality using ionic liquids. In: Proceedings. EUCHIS 2023, Siglufjörður (Iceland) September 11 - 14, 2023, p. 63
Warncke, M.; Böhmer, C.; Sachse, C.; Fischer, S.; Häntzsche, E.; Nocke, A.; Mersch, J.; Cherif, Ch.: Advancing smart textiles: Structural evolution of knitted piezoresistive strain sensors for enabling precise motion capture. Polymers 15(2023)19, DOI: 10.3390/polym15193936 (online)
Penzel, P.; Ur Rehman, N.: Entwicklung leichter Carbonbetonfertigteile auf Basis textiler 3D-Netzgitterträger. Poster / Carbon- und Textilbetontagung 2023, Dresden, 19.-20. September 2023
Onggar, T.; Posselt, M.; Kruppke, I.; Wähling, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Nachhaltiges Färben von Natur- und Chemiefaserstoffen mit Naturfarbstoffen aus biobasierten Chromophoren in überkritischem Kohlendioxid. Textil Plus 11(2023)5/6, S. 16-20
Grellmann, H.: Technological development of textile-based actuator and sensor structures for complex deformable adaptive fiber rubber composites. Vortrag / 62. Dornbirn-GFC 2023, (Dornbirn, Österreich), 13.-15. September 2023
Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Cherif, Ch.: Leistungsfähigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit steigern durch den Einsatz von verbundgerecht profilierten Textilbetonbewehrungen. Vortrag / CU Webseminar Wednesday, online, 27. September 2023
Benecke, L.: Material design of polymer composites with shap changing capability for mediacal applications - Comparison of shape memory polymers and liquid crysral elastomers. Vortrag / DGBM-Jahrestagung 2023, Jena, 14.-16. September 2023
Wöltje, M.; Isenberg, K. L.; Cherif, Ch.; Aibibu, D.: Continuous wet spinning of regenerated silk fibers from spinning dopes containing 4 % fibroin protein. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(2023)17, DOI: 10.3390/ijms241713492 (online)
Abdkader, A. ; Hossain, M: A critical review on recent developments and solutions of high-speed ring spinning process. Textile Research Journal 93(2023)23-24, DOI: 10.1177/004051752311947, pp. 5485-5504
Kopelmann, K.; Bruns, M.; Nocke, A; Breitelschmidt, M; Cherif, Ch.: Characterization of the viscoelastic properties of yarn materials: Dynamic mechanical analysis in longitudinal direction. Textiles 3(2023)3, DOI: 10.3390/textiles3030021, pp. 307-318
Kyzymchuk, O.; Kyosev, Y.; Melnyk, L.; Sadretdinova, N.: Curvature change of moving bodies and its application for development of protective elements for protective clothing. Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products 4(2023)2, DOI: 10.25367/cdatp.2023.4.p213- 221, pp. 213-221
Sarma, A. D.; Gowd, E. B.; Das, A.; Heinrich. G.: The effect of crosslink density on the cold crystallization behavior of polybutadiene elastomers. Express Polymer Letters 17(2023)7, DOI:10.3144/expresspolymlett.2023.51, 690-698
Ur Rehman, N.; Michler, H.; Stümpel, M.; Beckmann, B.; Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Cherif, Ch.; Marx, S.: Development of carbon-reinforced hollow core slab. In: Proceedings. 11th International Conference on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2023), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), July 23 - 26, 2023, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8116760
Friese, D.; Mersch, J.: Hahn, L.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of a yarn guiding and impregnation technology for robot-asissted fiber manufacturing of 3D textile reinforcement structures. In: Proceedings. 11th International Conference on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering 2023, Rio des Janero (Brazil), July 23 - 26, 2023, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8164096, paper 108
Annadata, A. R.; Koenigsdorf, M.; Mersch, J.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, Ch.: Multi-axial fiber approach to obtain bend-twist coupling in interactive fiber rubber composites (IFRC). In: Proceedings. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23), Belfast (Northern Ireland), July 30 - August 04, 2023
Gereke, T.: Modelling and characterisation of woven fabrics at the meso-scale. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23), Belfast (Northern Ireland), July 30 - August 04, 2023
Lang, T. G.; Huynh, T. A. M.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.; Gereke, T.: Modeling and simulation of deformation of textiles made from recycled carbon fibers. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23), Belfast (Northern Ireland), July 30 - August 04, 2023
Rabe, D., et al.: Repair of FRP-structures based on textile patches. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23), Belfast (Northern Ireland), July 30 - August 04, 2023
Rabe, D., et al.: Weft-knitted active joints for smart composite applications. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23), Belfast (Northern Ireland), July 30 - August 04, 2023
Annadata, R. A.; Woodworth, J. A.; Mersch, J.; Gereke, T.; Kaliske, M.; Cherif, Ch.: Comparison of material models of shape memory alloys applied to meso-scale interactive fibre rubber composites. In: Proceedings. X ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART 2023, Patras (Greece), July 02-05, 2023, DOI: 10.7712/150123.9814.444935
Hussen, M. S.; Kyosev, Y.; Pietsch, K.; Pilling, T.; Boll, J.; Kabish, A. K.: Uncovering the peel strength performance of multi-layer ultrasonic weld seams in PVC-coated hybrid textiles for weather protection. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 8(2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.jajp.2023.100151 (online)
Schmidt, A.-M.; Kyosev, Y.: Particle based simulation of the polymer penetration into porous structures during the fused deposition modelling. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 101(2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2023.06.040, pp. 1205-1213
Meena, K. K. ; Arie, I.; Ghosh, A. K.; Liebscher, H.; Hait, S.; Nagel, J.; Heinrich, G.; Fery, A.; Das, A.: 3D-printed stretchable hybrid piezoelectric-triboelectric nanogenerator for smart tire: Onboard real-time tread wear monitoring system. Nano Energy 115 (2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108707
Overberg, M.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: CF / AR / thermoplastic hybrid yarns for requirement-based thermoplastic composites. Technical Textiles 66(2023)3, pp. 20--24
Lukoschek, S.; Frankenbach, L. A.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.; Callhoff, C.: Post-Consumer-Kunststoffe – Vom Joghurtbecher zum hochwertigen Textil. Technische Textilien 66(2023)3, S. 20-21
Mersch, J.; Witham, N. S.; Solzbacher, F.; Gerlach, G.: Continuous textile manufacturing method for twisted coiled polymer artificial muscles. Textile Research Journal (2023), DOI: 10.1177/00405175231181095 (online)
Hahn, L.: Non crimp fabrics for high-tech applications. Vortrag / 3rd International Textile Online Week (ITOW) 2023, Online (Hof), 10.-14. Juli 2023
Zotzmann, J.; Feldbusch, E.; Kruppke, I.; Aibibu, D.; Regenspurg, S.: Removal of lead and copper ions from geothermal brine at various temperatures and salinities using chemically crosslinked chitosan. Applied Geochemistry 155(2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2023.105733 (online)
Böhmer, C.; Warncke, M. N.; Böhnke, P.; Nocke, A.; Mersch, J.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Moving smart textiles towards sustainability: Environmentally friendly protective coating for electrically conductive yarns. AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Hossain, M.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Entwicklung von Heavy Tows aus recycelten Carbonfasern für kostengünstige duroplastische Composites mit hohem Leistungsvermögen (rCF-Heavy Tows) / Development of heavy tows from recycled carbon fibers for low- cost and high performance thermoset composites (rCF heavy tows). (20.06.2023)
Bruns, M.; Nocke, A.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Polypyrrole coated wet-spun pedot: pss fibres and their electromechanical performance. In: Proceedings. EuroEAP 2023, 11th international conference on Soft Transducers and Electromechanically Active Polymers, Bristol (United Kindom), June 06-08, 2023
Dhahir, M. K.; Kalthoff, M.; Neef, T.; Friese, D.; Beckmann, B.; Cherif, Ch.; Matschei, T.; Mechtcherine, V.; Marx, S.: Developing the Chemical Prestressing Technology for Textile Carbon Reinforced Concrete. In: Proceedings. fib Symposium 2023, Istanbul (Turkey), 05. - 07. Juni 2023, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32511-3_146, p. 1428–1438
Rabe, D.; Ortega Arbulu, J. D.; Häntzsche, E.; Cherif, Ch.: Investigation of the bonding mechanism between overlapping textile layers for FRP repair based on dry textile patches. Materials 16(2023)13, DOI: 10.3390/ma16134680 (online)
Overberg, M.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Rehra, J.; Lohninger, E.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.. Development of multi-material hybrid yarns consisting of steel, glass and polypropylene filaments for fiber hybrid composites. Textile Research Journal (2023), DOI: 10.1177/00405175231179759 (online)
Mersch, J.; Gerlach, G.: Properties and special phenomena of strain sensors made of carbon particle-filled elastomers. tm - Technisches Messen (2023), DOI: 10.1515/teme-2023-0022
Bruns, M.; Kruppke, I.; Nocke, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Wet-spinning of PEDOT: PSS fibres for use in ionic electroactive actuators. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Cherif, Ch.: Interactive fibre-based materials for human-machine interfaces and the tactile internet (plenary lecture). Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Fischer, S.; Abtahi, B.; Warncke, M.; Nocke, A.; Häntzsche, E.; Cherif, Ch.: Weft-knitted strain sensors for motion capture. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Hahn, L.; Penzel, P.; Friese, D.; Stümpel, M.; Michler, H.; Curbach, M.; Cherif, Ch.: New approaches to 3D NCF manufacturing. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Hasan, M. M. B.; Abdkader, A.; Lang, T. G.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, Ch.: Mechanical properties of different yarn structures based on recycled carbon fibre for sustainable thermoset composites. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Hellmann, S.; Sachse, C.; Häntzsche, E.; Cherif, Ch.: Novel knit-structure with adjustable tensile behaviour based on combined warp and weft knit technology. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Hossain, M.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.; Baloochi, M.; Hühne, R.; Delgado, Y. J. P.; Beitelschmidt, M.: In-Situ measurement of twist propagation and yarn tension in ring spinning with a superconducting magnetic bearing twisting element. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Kopelmann, K.; Schegner, P.; Böhm, H.; Nocke, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Simulation supported enhancement of the performance of thermoset composite actuators through surface modification of shape memory alloy wires and development of force-optimized woven bindings. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Kruppke, I.; Kuznik, I.; Bertram, P.; Cherif, Ch.: Parameter study on modified polyacrylonitrile based precursor fiber for carbon fiber production. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Lang, T. G; Hasan, M. M. B.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.; Gereke T.: Micromechanical modelling of the deformation mechanisms of friction-spun yarn from recycled carbon fibres. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Mersch, J.; Gereke, T.; Nocke, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Analysis of the influence of fiber orientations in carbon fiber-reinforced composites on their structural properties based on eddy current measurements. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Overberg, M.; Dams, A.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Determination of the degree of fiber mixing in hybrid yarns and composites based on neural networks. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Warncke, M. N.; Böhmer, C. H.; Böhnke, P. R. C.; Schmidt, A.-M.; Nocke, A.; Mersch, J.; Cherif, Ch.: Quantifying the human perception: Development and characterization of textile-based capacitive strain and pressure sensors. Vortrag / AUTEX 2023, Hybrid, Melbourne (Australia), June 26-28, 2023
Friese, D.; Hahn, L.; Cherif, Ch.: Biologisch inspirierte, belastungsangepasste 3D-Textilverstärkungsstrukturen. Vortrag / CU BAU Innovation Day „Von der Natur inspiriert – Nachhaltiges Bauen mit Faserverbundwerkstoffen“ Online, 29. Juni 2023
Hossain, M; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of low-cost twist-fee rCF heavy tow with high mechanical performance. Vortrag / ITMA 2023 INNOVATOR XCHANGE: Sustainability and Circularity, Milano (Italy), June 08-14, 2023
Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Weise, C.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Eng verknüpft - Verbundgerecht profilierte Carbonbewehrungen für Betonanwendungen. CU reports (2023)1, S. 38
Rjosk, A.; Ritzert, S.; Macek, D.; Friese, D.; Neef, T.; Mechtcherine, V.; Cherif, Ch.; Reese, S.; Neinhuis, C.; Lautenschläger, T.: A new approach to construction: using peltate leaves as inspiration in the design of novel carbon fibre reinforced concrete building components. In: Proceedings. 10. Bionik-Kongress, Bremen,12.-13. Mai 2023
Annadata, A. R.; Wang, Z:; Woodworth, L.; Gereke, T.; Kaliske, M.; Modler, N.; Cherif, Ch.: Evaluation of deformation in interactive fibre rubber composites using Woodworth-Kaliske Shape Memory Alloy material model. In: Proceedings. GAMM 2023, 93rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, May 30-June 02, 2023, pp. 231-232
Hahn, L.; Zierold, K.; Golla, A.; Friese, D.; Rittner S.: 3D textiles with focus on warp knitted three-dimensional non-crimp fabrics: A review. Materials 16(2023)10, DOI: 10.3390/ma16103680 (online)
Wöltje, M.; Künzelmann, L.; Belgücan, B.; Croft, A. S.; Voumard, B.; Bracher, S.; Zysset, P.; Gantenbein, B.; Cherif, Ch.; Aibibu, D.: Textile design of an intervertebral disc replacement device from silk yarn. Biomimetics 8(2023)2, DOI: 10.3390/biomimetics8020152 (online)
Münks, D.; Kyosev, Y.; Shuang, X.: Curvature change of moving bodies and its application for development of protective elements for protective clothing. Communications in Development and Assembling of Textile Products 4(2023)2, DOI: 10.25367/cdatp.2023.4.p132- 140, pp. 132-140
Pham, M. Q.; Bollengier, Q.; Rabe, D.; Lang, T. G.; Häntzsche, E.; Trümper, W.; Cherif, Ch.; Gereke, T.: Meso-scale finite element model for rib-stiffened composites with biaxial weft-knitted reinforcements. Journal of Composites Science 7(2023)5, DOI: 10.3390/jcs7050175 (online)
Croft, A. S.; Ćorluka, S.; Fuhrer, J.; Wöltje, M.; Silva-Correia, J.; Oliveira, J. M.; Erbach, G.; Reis, R. L.; Gantenbein, B.: Repairing annulus fibrosus fissures using methacrylated gellan gum combined with novel silk. Materials 16(2023)8, DOI: 10.3390/ma16083173 (online)
Soete; J.; Maes, A.; Rojas, C.; Kyosev, Y.; Schmidt, A.-M.; Lomov, S. V., Miserez, M.; Kerckhofs, G.; Wevers, M.: XCT-based microscale analysis of structure and deformability of abdominal wall meshes. Materials Research Proceedings 28 (2023), Material Forming - ESAFORM 2023 / Materials Research Forum LLC, DOI: 10.21741/9781644902479-30, pp. 277-284
Kyosev, Y.; Münks, D.: Forming of textile fabrics with additively assembled protective elements on the human body. Materials Research Proceedings 28 (2023), Material Forming - ESAFORM 2023 / Materials Research Forum LLC, DOI: 10.21741/9781644902479-37, pp. 339-345
Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Verbundgerecht profilierte Textilbetonbewehrungen. Melliand Textilberichte 29(2023)2, S. 22-25
Suresh, J. N.; Arief, I.; Naskar, K.; Heinrich, G.; Tahir, M.; Wießner, S.: Das, A.: The role of chemical microstructures and compositions on the actuation performance of dielectric elastomers: A materials research perspective. nano select 4(2023)5, DOI: 10.1002/nano.202200254, pp. 289-315
Lukoschek, S.; Frankenbach, L. A.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.; Callhoff, C.: Post-consumer plastics – from yogurt cups to high-quality textiles. Technical Textiles 66(2023)2, pp. 30-31
Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Verbundgerecht profilierte Textilbetonbewehrungen. Technische Textilien 66(2023)2, S. 36-39
Golla, A.; Franz, C.; Häntzsche, E.; Hoffmann, G.; Sennewald, C.; Cherif, Ch.: Geometrical modeling of yarn motion and analysis of yarn tension during stitch formation process in warp knitting machines. Textile Research Journal (2023), DOI: 10.1177/00405175231166150 (online)
Kyosev, Y.; Münks, D.: Forming of textile fabrics with additively assembled protective elements on the human body. Vortrag / 26th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Krakow (Poland), April 19-21, 2023
Soete; J.; Maes, A.; Rojas, C.; Kyosev, Y.; Schmidt, A.-M.; Lomov, S. V., Miserez, M.; Kerckhofs, G.; Wevers, M.: XCT-based microscale analysis of structure and deformability of abdominal wall meshes. Vortrag / 26th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Krakow (Poland), April 19-21, 2023
Heinrich, G.; Lang, M.: Elastomers: From Theory to Applications. Basel: MDPI, 2023, ISBN 978-3-0365-6930-7, DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-6931-4
anonym: Entwicklung von Heavy Tows aus recycelten Carbonfasern für kostengünstige duroplastische Composites mit hohem Leistungsvermögen (IGF 21612 BR). Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, Abschlussbericht, 2023
Kuznik, I.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Technologieentwicklung zur nachhaltigen Herstellung hochreiner Chitosanfilamentgarne mit hohem Leistungs- und Funktionsvermögen (CHION) / Technology Development for the Sustainable Production of High-purity Chitosan Filament Yarns with High Performance and Functionality (Chion). (06.03.2023)
Vorhof, M.; Wüstner, C.; Sennewald, C.; Cherif, Ch.: Gewebte Papier-Textil-Strukturen für einen nachhaltigen Leichtbau. (06.03.2023)
Bollengier, Q.; Rabe, D.; Pham, M. Q.; Häntzsche, E.; Cherif, Ch.: Bionische 3D-Schale-Rippen-Strukturen mit komplex angeordneten Versteifungselementen. (17.03.2023)
Golla, A.; Mersch, J.; Hoffmann, G.; Cherif, Ch.: Thermogeneratorpaneele basierend auf multifunktionalen Abstandsgewirken. (29.03.2023)
Cherif, Ch.; Hübler, A. C.; Kroll, L.; Fügmann, U.; Sankaran, V.; Böddicker, A.; Ruder, T.; Spieler, M.; Tirschmann, R.; Wallasch, R.: Novel orbital winding technology. In: Kroll, L. (Ed.): Multifunctional Lightweight Structures - Resource Efficiency by MERGE of Key Enabling Technologies, Berlin: Springer Vieweg, 2023, ISBN 978-3-662-62216-2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-62217-9, S. 60-91
Rabe, D.; Kruppke, I.; Gereke, T.; Häntzsche, E.; Böhnke, P.; Huynh, M.: Wiederverwendung beschädigter FKV-Bauteile durch oxidkatalytische Matrixentfernung und lokale strukturelle Regeneration mit Hilfe textiler Reparatur-Patches. In: Proceedings. 5. Fachkongress Composite Recycling und LCA 2023, Stuttgart, 21.März 2023
Khurshid, M. F.; Gereke, T.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Theoretical modeling of tensile properties of thermoplastic composites developed from novel unidirectional recycled carbon fiber tape structure. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (2023), DOI: 10.1177/08927057231162014 (online)
Onggar, T.; Kruppke, I.; Trümper, W.; Cherif, Ch.; Tüfek, T.; Töbelmann, J.; Erichsen, R.: Metallization of polyimide materials for usage in aerospace. Man-Made Fibers International 73(2023)1, pp. 45-47
Abdkader, A.; Penzel, P.; Friese, D.; Overberg, M.; Hahn, L.; Butler, M.; Mechtcherine, V., Cherif, Ch.: Improved tensile and bond properties through novel rod constructions based on the braiding technique for non- metallic concrete reinforcements. Materials 16(2023)6, DOI: 10.3390/ma16062459 (online)
Penzel, P.; Lang, T. G.; Weigel, P. B.; Gereke, T.; Hahn, L.; Hilbig, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Simulation of tetrahedral profiled carbon rovings for concrete reinforcements. Materials 16(2023)7, DOI: 10.3390/ma16072767 (online)
Mandal, S.; Das, A.; Euchler, E.; Wiessner, S.; Heinrich, G.; Sawada, J.; Matsui, R.; Nagase, T.; Tada, T.: Dynamic reversible networks and development of self-healing rubbers: a critical review. Rubber Chemistry and Technology 96(2023)2, DOI: 10.5254/rct.23.76967, pp. 175-195
Das, A.; Tada, T.; Heinrich, G.: Developing low-wear tire compounds through strategic partnerships between industry and research institutes. Tire Technology International (2023), pp. 48-51
Brake, E. A.; Kyosev, Y.; Rose, K.: Development of avatars with mechanical properties of the human body for verification of their behavior under the effect of tight fitting clothing. Vortrag / 2nd International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2023, Berlin, 27.-28. März 2023
Kyzymchuk, O.; Kyosev, Y.; Melnyk, L.: Pressure of medical compression products: comfort level. Vortrag / 2nd International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2023, Berlin, 27.-28. März 2023
Münks, D.; Kyosev, D.: Curvature analysis of moving bodies and its application for development of protective elements for safety clothing. Vortrag / 2nd International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2023, Berlin, 27.-28. März 2023
Priniotakis, G.; Schmidt, A.-M.; Kyosev, Y.: Dress, Dance and Dive in Culture - 4D Body scanning for conservation of traditional dances. Vortrag / 2nd International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2023, Berlin, 27.-28. März 2023
Reichert, U.; Siegmund, J.; Krzywinski, S.; Schubert, S.: Development of functional clothing for air sports. Vortrag / 2nd International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2023, Berlin, 27.-28. März 2023
Sadretdinova, N.; Kyosev, Y.: The physiological comfort factor in the design of physiotherapy uniforms. Vortrag / 2nd International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2023, Berlin, 27.-28. März 2023
Schmidt, A.-M.; Kyosev, Y.: Development of soft avatars using combined solid-shell finite element modelling. Vortrag / 2nd International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2023, Berlin, 27.-28. März 2023
Spahiu, T.; Kyosev, Y.; Boll, J.; Pietsch, K.: Evaluating the leg geometry during motion for footwear products using 4D scanning. Vortrag / 2nd International Conference Clothing-Body Interaction 2023, Berlin, 27.-28. März 2023
Vorhof, M.; Wüstner, C.: HyPerWeave - Hybrid high performance paper weaves. Vortrag / 7. Netzwerktreffen BauProPapier, Online, 06. März 2023
anonym: Entwicklung bekleidungstechnischer Assistenzsysteme zur Unterstützung der Mobilität älterer Menschen (IGF 21603 BR). Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, Abschlussbericht, 2023
Wendt, E.; Zhang, D.; Krzywinski, S.; Kyosev, Y.: Entwicklung bekleidungstechnischer Assistenzsysteme zur Unterstützung der Mobilität älterer Menschen. (20.02.2023)
Vorhof, M.; Sennewald, C.; Schegner, Ph.; Meyer, P.; Hühne, Ch.; Cherif, Ch.; Sinaupius, M.: Thermoplastic composites for integrally woven pressure actuated cellular structures: Design approach and material investigation. In: Mishra, R. (Edit.): Advances in Textile Structural Composites - Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Polymers. Basel: MDPI, 2023, ISBN 978-3-0365- 6594-1, pp. 53-71, Reprinted from: Polymers 2021, 13, 3128, DOI:10.3390/polym13183128
Lang, T. G.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.; Gereke, T.: Micro-scale model of rCF/PA6 spun yarn composite. Journal of Composites Science 7(2023)2, DOI: 10.3390/jcs7020066 (online)
Vorhof, M.; Sennewald, C.; Schegner, P.; Pham, M. Q.; Hoffmann, G.; Gereke, T.; Cherif, Ch.: Lightweight panels with high delamination resistance made of integrally woven truss-like fabric structures. Journal of Industrial Textiles 53(2023), DOI: 10.1177/15280837221150202 (online)
Abdkader, A.; Khurshid, M. F.; Cherif, F.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of an innovative glass/stainless steel/polyamide commingled yarn for fiber-metal hybrid composites. Materials 16(2023)4, DOI: 10.3390/ma16041668 (online)
Le Xuan, H.; Häntzsche, E.; Nocke, A.; Tran, N. H. A.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of fiber-based piezoelectric sensors for the load monitoring of dynamically stressed fiber-reinforced composites. Smart Materials and Structures (2023), DOI 10.1088/1361-665X/acbd75 (online)
anonym: Entwicklung von Textilstrukturen mit materialintrinsischem Formänderungsvermögen für die regenerative Medizin (IGF 21022 BR). Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, Abschlussbericht, 2023
anonym: Entwicklung von Textilbetonbewehrungen mit verbundgerecht profilierter Textilarchitektur auf Basis von Flecht- und Tränkumformtechniken (IGF 21375 BR). Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, Abschlussbericht, 2023
Abtahi, B.; Warncke, M.; Winger, H.; Sachse, C.; Häntzsche, E.; Nocke, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Novel strain sensor in weft-knitted textile for triggering of functional electrical stimulation. Engineering Proceedings 30(2023)1, DOI: 10.3390/engproc2023030013 (online)
Peters, R.; Jang, D.; Wolz, D. S. J.; Lee, S.; Jäger, H.; Richter, M.; Cherif, Ch.; Vasiutovich, K.; Richter, M.; Feng, X.; Behnisch, T.; Gude, M.: Investigation of the influence of hexabenzocoronene in polyacrylonitrile-based precursors for carbon fibers. Fibers 11(2023)2, DOI: 10.3390/fib11020014 (online)
Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Abdkader, A.; Cherif, Ch.: Leistungsfähigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit steigern durch den Einsatz von verbundgerecht profilierten Textilbetonbewehrungen / Increased performance and sustainability through the use of profiled textile reinforcements for concrete applications. (16.01.2023)
Wagner, J.; Winger, H.; Cherif, Ch.; Ellinger, F.: Smart glove with fully integrated textile sensors and wireless sensor frontend for the tactile internet. IEEE Sensors Letters (2023), DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2023.3239991 (online)
Abdkader, A.; Khurshid, M. F.; Hasan, M. M. B.; Cherif, Ch.: Recent developments in yarn formation technology for producing innovative hybrid yarn structures from staple carbon and thermoplastic fibers for high-performance composites. Journal of Composite Materials (2023), DOI: 10.1177/00219983231154481(online)
Benecke, L.; Tonndorf, R.; Cherif, Ch.; Aibibu, D.: Influence of spinning method on shape memory effect of thermoplastic polyurethane yarns. Polymers 15(2023)1, 239 DOI: 10.3390/polym15010239 (online)
Kruppke, I.; Sherif, F.; Richter, M.; Cherif, Ch.: Development of porous-polyacrylonitrile-based fibers using nanocellulose additives as precursor for carbon fiber manufacturing. Polymers 15(2023)3, DOI: 10.3390/polym15030565 (online)
Cherif, Ch.; Abdkader A.; Hasan; M. M. B.; Khurshid, M. F.; Hossain M.: Entwicklung nachhaltiger hybrider Faserstrukturen auf Basis recycelter Carbonfasern für Composites mit hohem Leistungsvermögen. Vortrag / AVK-Arbeitskreissitzung „Thermoplastische Composites Rohre“, Online (Frankfurt/Main), 25. Januar 2023