Scientific publications 2024
Abdkader A., Bachor S., Hasan M.M.B., Cherif C.: Development of yarns from recycled carbon fiber based on friction spinning technology with specific properties for thermoset composites (2024) DOI: 10.1177/00405175231198272 (online)
Hasan, M. M. B., Overberg, M., Lang, T. G., Abdkader, A., & Cherif, C.: Tensile and impact properties of thermoplastic fiber hybrid composites based on air textured commingling hybrid yarns composed of carbon/aramid/polyamide 6 and carbon/glass/polyamide 6 filament yarns. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (2024) 08927057241255880
Hasan, M. M. B., Abdkader, A., Lang, T. G., Gereke, T., & Cherif, C.: Tensile Properties of Different Yarn Structures Based on Recycled Carbon Fiber for Sustainable Thermoset Composites. (2024) In Materials Science Forum (Vol. 1117, pp. 55-61). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Overberg, M., Emilia Zalewska, Abdkader, A., Cherif, Ch.: Image-Based Cross-Sectional Analysis and Micromechanical Modeling of Yarn and Composite Materials. AUTEX Journal 2024. DIO: 10.15240/tul/008/2024-2-010
Overberg, M., Abdkader, A.,Cherif, Ch.: Investigating Material Strategies for Improved Structural Integrity in Fiber-Reinforced Composites: A Comparative Analysis of Three Composite concepts. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (2024)
Hossain, M., Abdkader, A., Obst, A., Gesell, S., Cherif, C.: High-Performance and Cost-Effective Metal Spun Yarn Utilizing Innovative Single-Stage Manufacturing Module (2024) DOI: 10.1177/15589250241307018/ ID: JEFF-24-0086.R2 (online)
Overberg, M., Hasan, MMB., Abdkader, A., Rehra, Schmeer, Cherif, Ch.: Investigations on the development of impact-resistant thermoplastic fiber hybrid composites from glass and steel fiber. Journal of Composite Materials (2024)
Hossain, M., Abdkader, A., Cherif, C., Baloochi, M., Hühne, R., Perez Delgado, Y. J. & Beitelschmidt, M. In Situ Measurement of Twist Propagation and Yarn Tension with Superconducting Magnetic Bearing Twisting Element for Ring Spinning Process. March 2024, in: Key Engineering Materials. 978, 6, S. 155-162
Lang, T. G., Hasan, M. M. B., Abdkader, A., Cherif, C., & Gereke, T. (2024, April). Micromechanical Modeling of the Deformation Mechanisms of Friction-Spun Yarn from Recycled Carbon Fibres. In Materials Science Forum (Vol. 1117, pp. 47-53). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Philippa Boehnke, P., Overberg, M., Cherif, Ch. Abdkader, A.: Studies on adhesion between stainless steel fibers and polypropylene matrix addressing application in hybrid yarns. Journal of Coatings. (2024) DIO: 10.1007/s11998-024-00987-4 (online)
Rehra, Overberg, M. Cherif, Schmeer: Thermoplastic composites made from Steel, GF and PP new test methods. Composites Part C
Baloochi, Mostafa, Espenhahn, Tilo, Hossain, Mahmud, Delgado, Yves, Abdkader, A, M. Beitelschmidt, Nielsch, K. Hühne, Ruben: Analysis of a passive vibration damper for high-speed superconducting magnetic bearings. M Baloochi, et al 2024,Eng. Res. Express 6 035524
Perez-Delgado, Y. J., Beitelschmidt, M., Hossain, M., Cherif, C., Abdkader, A., Baloochi, M., & Hühne, R. (2024). A spring-mass chain multi-body approach for modeling yarn balloon dynamics in ring spinning. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 24, e202400163.
Overberg, M. Karl Müll: low-damage processing of recycled carbon fibers. Textile Plus (2024)
Karalis G., Liebscher M., Mersch J., Zhao J., Ly K.H., Machata P., Köberle T., Micusik M., Tzounis L., Weidinger I., Cherif C., Mechtcherine V.: Carbon nanotube fibers as efficient p- and n-type thermoelements within geopolymers: A route for large-scale thermal energy harvesting from building structures (2024) DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2024.105699 (online)
Müller M., Wöltje M., Hofmaier M., Tarpara B., Urban B., Aibibu D., Cherif C.: In Situ ATR-FTIR Studies on the β-Sheet Formation of Native and Regenerated Bombyx mori Silk Material in Solution and Its Potential for Drug Releasing Coatings (2024) DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c00920 (online)
Zierold K., Penzel P., Hahn L., Cherif C.: Parameter study and development of a warp knitting yarn compensation unit as basis for the realization of contour-accurate non-crimp fabrics: a step towards for highly material efficient non-crimp fabrics (2024) DOI: 10.1088/2631-8695/ad4c39 (online)
Golla, A.; Mersch, J.; Schmidl, G.; Gawlik, A.; Plentz, J.; Hahn, L.; Cherif, C.: Thermoelectric Generator Modules based on Warp Knitted Glass Fiber-Metal Hybrid Composites. In: Materials research express, 11 (2024) 7, 075508.
Hahn, L.; Penzel, P.; Friese, D.; Stümpel, M.; Michler, H.; Curbach, M.; Cherif, C.: New Approaches to 3D Non-Crimp Fabric Manufacturing. In: Materials Science Forum, (2024) 1117, pp. 37-46 10 p.
Penzel, P.; Hahn, L.; Clauß, M.; Weise, C.; Zeißler, A.; Butler, M.; Cherif, C.: Robust profiled carbon rovings made of multiple yarns for textile reinforcements in concrete and asphalt matrix. In: Textile Reseach Journal 94 (2024) 23-24, DOI: 10.1177/00405175241249923 (online)
Hellmann S., Gereke T., Truemper W., Cherif C.: Development and characterization of a through-air thermobonding process with high heating rate for activating the binder and producing preforms for fibre-reinforced polymers (2024) DOI: 10.1177/00219983241238652 (online)
Hellmann, S, Overberg, M.: Thermoplastic shell/rib components with continuous fiber reinforcement
Bruns M., Mehraeen S., Martinez J.G., Mersch J., Kruppke I., Jager E.W.H., Cherif C.: A Straightforward Approach of Wet-Spinning Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Polystyrene Sulfate Fibers for Use in All Conducting Polymer-Based Textile Actuators (2024)DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202400315 (online)
Hasan M.M.B., Overberg M., Lang T.G., Abdkader A., Cherif C.: Tensile and impact properties of thermoplastic fiber hybrid composites based on air textured commingling hybrid yarns composed of carbon/aramid/polyamide 6 and carbon/glass/polyamide 6 filament yarns (2024) DOI: 10.1177/08927057241255880 (online)
Xuan H.L., Cherif C.: Textile-based strain sensors for fiber-reinforced composites under tension, compression and bending [Textile-based strain sensors for fiber-reinforced composites under tension, compression and bending] (2024) DOI: 10.1515/teme-2023-0146 (online)
Konstantinidi, S.; Koenigsdorff, M.; Martinez, T.; Benouhiba, A.; Mersch, J.; Civet, Y.; Gerlach, G.; Perriard, Y.: Investigation of buckling instabilities in fiber-reinforced DEAs, Composites Science and Technology (2024)
Liebscher, M.; Karalis, G.; Mersch, J.; Zhao, J.; Ly, K. H.; Machata, P.; Köberle, T.; Micusik, M.; Tzounis, L.; Weidinger, I.; Cherif, Ch.; Mechtcherine, V.: Carbon nanotube fibers as efficient p- and n-type thermoelements within Geopolymers: A route for Large-scale Thermal energy harvesting from building structures, Cement and Concrete Composites (2024)
Bruns, M.; Mehraeen, S.; Martinez, J.G.; Mersch, J.; Kruppke, I.; Jager, E.W.H.; Cherif, C.: A Straightforward Approach of Wet-Spinning Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Polystyrene Sulfate Fibers for Use in All Conducting Polymer-Based Textile Actuators, Advanced Intelligent Systems (2024)
Witham, N.S.; Mersch, J.; Selzer, L.; Reiche, C.F.; Solzbacher, F.: Coil Formation and Biomimetic Performance
Characterization of Twisted Coiled Polymer
Artificial Muscles, Advanced Intelligent Systems (2024)
Mersch, J.; Koenigsdorff, M.; Wittich, L.C.; Da Silva, M.: Investigation of the Strain-Dependent Electrical Impedance of Fiber-Reinforced Electrodes in Dielectric Elastomer Transducers, Proceedings IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) (2024)
Warncke, M. N.; Böhmer, C. H.; Böhnke, P. R. C.; Schmidt, A.-M.; Nocke, A.; Mersch, J.; Cherif, Ch.: Quantifying the human perception: Development and characterization of textile-based capacitive strain and pressure sensors, Key Engineering Materials (2024)
Le Xuan, H.; Cherif, C.: Textile-based pressure sensors for fiber-reinforced composites, special issue "Sensoren in Faser-Kunststoffverbunden - Sensors in Fiber-Plastic Composites" in the journal "Technisches Messen" (2024)
Koenigsdorff, M.; Mersch, J.; Gerlach, G.: Investigation of the piezoresistive properties of carbonfiber-reinforced electrodes in dielectric elastomer actuators, tm - Technisches Messen (2024)
Koenigsdorff, M.; Liebscher, H.; Osipov, P.; Mersch, J.; Gerlach, G.: Influence of Active-to-Passive Ratio on the Deformation in Circular Dielectric Elastomer Actuators, MDPI Micromachines (2024)
Overberg M., Khurshid M.F., Abdkader A., Hasan M.M.B., Cherif C.: Development of a micro-scale hybridized yarn structure from recycled carbon, aramid and polyamide 6 staple fibers for thermoplastic composites with improved impact strength (2024) DOI: 10.1177/00405175231197652 (online)
Dominik N., Johannes M., Cornelia S., Chokri C.: Spherically curved woven fabrics: geometrical calculation methods and weave pattern development (2024) DOI: 10.1177/00405175231216645 (online)
Tonndorf R., Dilbar A., Huynh T.A.M., Warncke M., Cherif C.: Textile structures with biomodular deformation behavior as a fiber ring for intervertebral disc prostheses (2024) DOI: 10.51202/0323-3243-2024-2-034 (online)
Kopelmann K., Bruns M., Nocke A., Cherif C.: Characterization of viscoelastic properties of yarn materials: Dynamic mechanical analysis in the transversal direction (2024) DOI: 10.1515/aut-2023-0002 (online)
Hasan M.M.B., Bachor S., Abdkader A., Cherif C.: Tensile properties of thermoset composites based on yarn structures from recycled carbon fiber and low melting temperature Co-polyamide fiber (2024) DOI: 10.1177/00219983231217138 (online)
KUZNIK, I., KRUPPKE, I., PÖTZSCH, H. F., CHERIF, C.: Pure chitosan multifilament yarns made using a semi-industrial pilot scale wet-spinning process with ionic liquids, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2024), DOI: 10.1002/app.55457 (online)
BERTRAM, P., KUZNIK, I., CHERIF, C., KRUPPKE, I.: Modified polyacrylonitrile fibers manufactured using nanocellulose, graphene or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon for precursors for functional carbon fibers. Textile Research Journal (2024). DOI: 10.1177/00405175241246481 (online)
BERTRAM, P., KUZNIK, I., KRUPPKE, I., CHERIF, C.: Renewable additives in precursors for multifunctional CF to be applied in structural energy storage composites. 3rd International Conference on Tailored Carbon Fibers, Dresden (DEU), 20.-22.03.2024
Sabrina Scheele, Irina Kuznik, I. Kruppke, J. Finck, K. Heppe, A. Wähling, I. Turinsky, Prof. M. Gast, Prof. Cherif: Development of New Regional Material Cycles from Insect Chitosan of Blak Soldier Fly, Poster for ADD-ITC 2024, Dresden, 21-22.11.2024
Sabrina Scheele, Irina Kuznik, I. Kruppke, J. Finck, K. Heppe, A. Wähling, I. Turinsky, Prof. M. Gast, Prof. Cherif: Exhibition Demonstrators from the project "insectmatter" Exhibition GRASSI-Museum on the topic FUTURE Material and Design of Tomorrow, Leipzig 21.11.2024-24.08.2025
Bertram, Paul; Kuznik, Irina; Cherif, Chokri; Kruppke, Iris: Modified polyacrylonitrile fibers manufactured using nanocellulose, graphene or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon for precursors for functional carbon fibers Textile Research Journal, 2024 (refereed) Volume 94, Issue 23-24 DOI: 10.1177/00405175241246481 (online)
Wolz, Daniel Sebastian Jens; Seidel-Greiff, Robert; Behnisch, Thomas; Kruppke, Iris; Kuznik, Irina; Bertram, Paul; Jäger, Hubert; Gude, Maik; Cherif, Chokri: Potentials of Polyacrylonitrile Substitution by Lignin for Continuous Manufactured Lignin/Polyacrylonitrile-Blend-Based Carbon Fibers Fibers (MDPI), 2024 (refereed) Fibers 2024, 12(6), 50; DOI: 10.3390/fib12060050 (online)
Hedayati, D. P.; Johst, P.; Zschiebsch, W.; Schilling, L.; Schletter, A.; Kucher, M.; Kupfer, R.; Seidel-Greiff, R.; Sadeghi-Bogar, M.; Behnisch, Th.; Modler, N.Goislard de Monsabert, Th.; Karakashov, B.; Darchy, L.; Descarpentries, J.; Bertram, P.; Kuznik, I.; Kruppke, I.; Cherif, Ch.; Bondavalli, P.; Böhm, R.: Sustainable Power Composites: Circularity Paths for Structural Supercapacitors, presentation and conference paper ECCM21 - 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, 2024
Sadeghi Bogar, M.; Seidel-Greiff, R.; Bertram, P.; Kuznik, I.; Behnisch, Th.; Cherif, Ch.; Gude, M.: Tailored porous carbon fiber production for sustainable energy storage, lecture Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference, 2024
Leopold Frankenbach, Christoph Müller, Hannes Seidler, Katarina Gille, Toty Onggar, Thomas Zahnert, Marcus Neudert, Chokri Cherif: Investigations on the design and the characteristics of an innovative textile fiber-based multi-electrode array manufactured by means of melt spinning, lecture 2024 ADD-ITC