Science networks
Science networks effect an information lead and often result in a considerable gain in time for its members regarding many current problems. The membership of the TU Dresden in science and education networks, in subject specific associations, as well as the active participation in a multitude of research clusters and in the framework of Associated Institutes characterize research at TU Dresden.

Research Networks
Besides the membership in associations and organizations as well as the organizational integration of Affiliated Institutes the creation of networks of TU Dresden most often results from the direct working relations of scientists in individual projects. Special mention deserve the strategically important large projects or even research clusters interdisciplinary being carried out by several scientific Institutions. These embrace research questions of major current and medium-term relevance and are often executed in parallel sub-projects. For the collaboration across subjects and institutes an understanding process is vital to take place, i.e. that a common language for the description of problems and their solutions is being found, but also that criteria, for example for the judgement of quality of the scientific performance, are being shared. Due to these such research clusters can exhibit profile coining character.
By trend all coordinated DFG programmes can be regarded as research clusters, but also large projects funded by other public sources as well as networks independent of third-party funding. On the following pages you are given examples for research clusters at TU Dresden independent of the coordinated DFG programmes.