Affiliated Institutes
Affiliated Institutes are legally independent institutions which perform together with TU Dresden tasks which cannot be adequately perceived by the TU Dresden alone (s. § 102 SächsHSG). The intensive cooperation with the TU Dresden is regulated by contractual arrangements with which even the status of an “Affiliated Institutes” of the TU Dresden is awarded.
The duties of the affiliated institutes besides basic and applied subject-related research and development, also includes in-service training, the training of young scientists and knowledge transfer. Objectives of the joint work are the establishment and strengthening of fruitful interactions between the partners, the creation of synergies and the accelerated transfer of research results. The training institutes provide young graduates additional skills and special abilities (adapted to all disciplines) and thus make a significant contribution to increasing the employability of the graduates of the TU Dresden.
Here you can find the circular letter regulating the recognition procedure for affiliated institutes of the TU Dresden.
Current affiliated institutes of the university:
- Barkhausen Institut gGmbH (BI)
- Deutsches Baum-Institut e.V.
- Dresden International University (DIU)
- Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Research at the Dresden University of Technology (HAIT)
- Institut für Dopinganalytik und Sportbiochemie Dresden an der TU Dresden (IDAS)
- Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden (IHD)
- IfM Institut für Musikinstrumentenbau e.V. (IfM)
- Nanoelectronics Materials Lab gGmbH (NaMLab)
- PTS - Institut für Fasern und Papier gGmbH
- Structure and Materials Mechanics Research Institute at the Dresden University of Technology(SWM)
- Technische Universität Dresden Institute of Advanced Studies (TUDIAS)
- Universitätsambulanz und Forschungszentrum für Psychotherapie der TU Dresden gGmbH (UFP)
Your contact person in the Unit Research Promotion

Project Manager
NameThomas Wagler
Phil, SLK, EW, Wiwi, BIW, Bio, Che, Affiliated Institutes
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Unit 5.1 - Research Promotion
Unit 5.1 - Research Promotion
Visiting address:
Weißbachstraße 7, Top floor, Room 11
01069 Dresden