Plant Phylogenomics and Evolution
Understanding the diversity and the reasons underlying species richness of certain plant lineages is a frontier question in integrative taxonomy and plant evolutionary biology. As a forward-looking step towards accessing and inventorying biodiversity, taxon-omic approaches need to be developed that at best are applicable universally across multiple lineages. We aim at providing and testing such a strategy called Plant Anchored MetaPrep (PAMP) using multiple megadiverse lineages. PAMP was established for large-scale collaborative projects and for streamlining research efforts across institutions and collections worldwide. The method’s scaling potential increases when dense taxon sampling is required such as in megadiverse neotropical lineages that we will sample across the Magnoliidae, Monocotyledoneae, Superasteridae and Superrosidae with hundreds of identical nuclear loci for hundreds of species simultaneously. As preliminary work, we successfully designed and tested the universal probe set as well as the PAMP procedure using multiple angiosperm lineages. Beside taxon-specific questions that we will address, the research has the potential to initiate coordinated efforts across institutions and collections worldwide and as such will have considerable impact on the scientific community and scientific collections. Our vision is to provide a genomic dataset for every herbarium specimen in a collection.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wanke (e-mail)
Dr. Julia Naumann (e-mail)
MSc Matthias Jost e-mail
BSc Jakob Wegener e-mail
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) (Prof. Dr. Susana Magallón, Prof. Dr. Gerardo A. Salazar, Prof. Dr. Carolina Granados, and many more…
Alan R. Lemmon and Emily Moriarty Lemmon (Florida State University)
Selected Publications:
Müller S, Salomo K, Salazar J, Naumann J, Jaramillo MA, Neinhuis C, Feild TS, and Wanke S (2015) Intercontinental long-distance dispersal of Canellaceae from the New to the Old World revealed by a nuclear single copy gene and chloroplast loci. Phylogenetics and Evolution 84 (2015) 205–219.
Wanke S., Granados Mendoza C., Müller S., Paizanni Guillén A., Neinhuis C., Lemmon A.R., Lemmon E.M., Samain M.-S. (2017) Recalcitrant deep and shallow nodes in Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) illuminated using anchored hybrid enrichment. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,
Buddenhagen C., Lemmon A. R., Moriarty Lemmon E., Bruhl J., Cappa J., Clement W L., Donoghue M., Edwards E. J., Hipp A. L., Kortyna M., Mitchell N., Moore A., Prychid C. J., Segovia-Salcedo M. C., Simmons M. P., Soltis P. S., Wanke S., Mast A. (2016) Anchored Phylogenomics of Angiosperms I: Assessing the Robustness of Phylogenetic Estimates,