Compulsory Modules
Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti
Dr. Rafael Gutierrez
- Credit Points: 10
- Exam: Project Work and written (90min)
- Lectures (2 hrs/wk), practical sessions (2 hrs/wk), practical work (2hrs/wk) and self-study
- Winter Semester (Semester 1)
The course provides an introduction to various simulation methods to study the electronic and structural properties of a broad class of physical systems. The following topics form the lecture content:
- Adiabatic approximation
- Methods for the calculation of the electronic structure
- Normal modes
- Introduction to statistical physics
- Molecular dynamics
- Monte Carlo method
- Exercises
- Credits: 10
- Exam: written (90min)
- Lectures (6 hrs/wk), practical work (1 hr/wk) and self-study
- Winter and Summer Semester (Semesters 1 and 2)
Semiconductor Technology I: The lecture covers the basic technologies for the manufacturing of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits and Mircosystems. A major goal is to describe the fundamentals to understand the interdependencies of the physical, chemical and technological mechanisms of semiconductor processing. Content of lecture:
- Manufacturing of the substrates
- Oxidation
- Lithography
- Doping (Diffusion and Implantation)
- Deposition (PVD, CVD, Epitaxie)
- Etching (Plasma)
Semiconductor Technology II: Besides a sufficient inventory of process technologies, the generation of an integrated circuit requires a solig knowledge of the interaction between the device properties and the individual process steps. Effort has to be minimized while performance must be increased. This art named process integration is the major topic of the second part of the course.
Starting with the basic function of a MOS field effect transistor, we will develop simple structures of integrated circuits and always focus on the interaction of device performance and manufacturing technology. Concepts of self alignment as well as parasitic effects will be explained. Finally we will run through the whole process sequence for the fabrication of a CMOS product.
Within the laboratory term of the lecture the students will go through the process steps to make a two layer wiring structure, which will be finally electrically qualified. The processing contains:
- Lithography
- Electrochemical Deposition
- Credit Points: 5
- Exam: Ungraded presentation (Part 1) // Open book written exam 90min (Part 2)
- Seminars (2 hrs/wk), lectures (2 hrs/wk) and self-study
- Winter and Summer Semester (Semesters 1 and 2, i.e., both parts must be attended)
Part 1 - Student Seminar (Winter Semester):
In this seminar, the students will give two presentations:
- A short 2-5 minute presentation to introduce the student to the course participants
- A longer presentation (20 minutes) summarizing an earlier academic qualification work (e.g. Bachelor thesis)
Key aim of this seminar is the practice and improvement of presentation skills.
Part 2 - Lecture (Summer Semester):
This course will cover the fundamentals of organic semiconductor materials for their use in optoelectronics and give one detailed example of an organic electronics device, i.e. the organic light-emitting diode (OLED). The table of content is as follows:
Chemical structure & general properties
Molecular orbitals, electronic structure, optical transitions
Photophysical properties, migration of excitons
Density of states (DOS), charge transport
Injection of carriers and electrical doping
Organic light-emitting diodes:
Efficient emitting species, internal quantum efficiency, non-linear processes
Colorimetry, Light outcoupling
- Credit Points: 15
- Mandatory pre-requisites for module exam:
1) Circuit Technology Written Test
2) Semiconductor Physics Take Home Test and
3) Lab Report Organic Chemistry - Module exam:
45min oral exam
Students must choose 2 of 3 relevant professors as their preferred examiners:
1) Stefan Mannsfeld - Circuit Technology
2) Karl Leo - Semiconductor Physics;
3) Xinliang Feng - Organic Chemistry - Winter Semester (Semester 1)
The module covers fundamental knowledge of the fields of quantum physics, solid state physics and semiconductor physics, general and preparative organic chemistry and the fundamentals of circuit switching technology.
It consists of 5 parts (lectures, exercises, practical work - see below) of which 1), 2), 3) are mandatory and 4) and 5) can be chosen in addition.
1) Circuit Technology (lecture and exercise, mandatory, 2 hours per week, written test)
Prof. Stefan Mannsfeld
Dr. Mike Hambsch
- Introduction to basic circuits: basic circuit elements, RLC circuits, AC signals, Circuit behavior description with phasors and Bode plots
- Linear Time-Invariant Systems: Definition and properties of LTI systems, transfer functions and convolution integral, Laplace Transform, Time vs. Frequency representation of transfer functions
- Properties of Nonlinear Semiconductor devices: pn-diode, Organic pin diodes, MOS Capacitor, Characteristics of MOSFETs and organic FETs, small signal models
- Examples of Organic Logic Circuits: linear load and CMOS inverters incl. noise margins, load-line analysis, static and dynamic losses, transistor and diode based logic gates, transistor-based memory
2) Semiconductor Physics (lecture; mandatory; 2 hours per week, test = take home test)
Prof. Karl Leo
This lecture introduces the basics of the topics and the most important device concepts.
- Basics of Semiconductors
- Semiconductor Statistics
- Transport in Semiconductors
- The pn-junction
- Basic Device Principles
3) Organic Chemistry (practical lab course; mandatory; 2 hours per week as block lab course at the end of the winter semester - normally February/March; test = lab report)
Dr. Fabian Paulus
4) Chemistry / Organic Chemistry (lecture, not mandatory, 2 hours per week, no test)
Prof. Xinliang Feng
Dr. Ronny Grünker
Dr. Vladimir Lesnyak
- Participation strongly recommended for non‐chemists
- Students gain fundamental knowledge in the field of Organic Chemistry. They know the important organic substance classes as well as their functional groups and reactivity. At the end, a special focus is given on organic materials usable for organic electronics.
5) Quantum and Solid State Physics (lecture and exercise, not mandatory, 4 hours per week, no test)
Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti
Dr. Dmitry Ryndyk
- Participation strongly recommended for non‐physicists
- Wave-particle duality
- Wave equation for electrons: Schrödinger equation
Stationary states in one dimension
Formal theory: States, operators, commutators
Introduction to Solid State Physics
- Credit Points: 5
- Exam: Oral, 30min
- Lectures (4 hrs/wk) and self-study
- Summer Semester (Semester 2)
Optoelectronic means the science of the interaction of light and solids, mainly semiconductors. It has very interesting basic implications on the interaction between electromagnetic waves and solids, but also has many important applications perspectives: LEDs, displays, solar cells, detectors, and more more are optoelectronic devices!
Basic Principles of Optoelectronics, Film and Waveguides, Optical Properties of Semiconductors, Semiconductor Lasers and Light Emitting Diodes, Optical Detectors
Optoelectronics: Emerging Photovoltaics: Materials, Devices and Spectroscopic Characterization
Emerging photovoltaic technologies based on organic, perovskite and quantum dot materials: introduction to materials, device architectures and operating principles. Advanced spectroscopic methods, e.g. absorption, photothermal deflection, photoluminescence, X-ray and Ultra-violet photoemission spectroscopies and their application in emerging photovoltaic technologies.
Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti
Dr. Artur Erbe
- Credit Points: 5
- Lectures (2 hrs/wk), practical sessions (2 hrs/wk) and self-study
- Exam: If more than 10 students are registered, this module is examined with one end-of-semester exam lasting 90 minutes. If there are no more than 10 students registered, this will be replaced by an oral examination lasting 20 minutes
- Winter Semester (Semester 3)
The size of electronic building blocks is continuously decreasing reaching dimensions of a few nanometers. Ultimate scaling of electronic devices can be achieved by using single molecules as active building blocks for electronics. Electronic circuits, which are based on such building blocks, open completely new possibilities for applications. This lecture first will set the theoretical basis necessary for the understanding of the phenomena in charge transport in nanostructures. Furthermore, experiments characterizing single molecule junctions, created by electromigration, break junctions or microscopy, will be discussed. A special focus will be on possible applications in the use of such structures as building blocks for future electronic circuits. Basic knowledge in solid state physics or chemistry will help but is not strictly required.
- Credit Points: 10
- Lectures (4 hrs/wk), practical work (2 hrs/wk) and self-study.
- Exam: 1) Printing Technology - lab report plus short oral exam (replacement written exam) /7 2) Materials for Nanoelectronics - written exam 90min
- Summer and Winter Semester (Semesters 2 and 3)
Printing Technology
- taught as block seminar (2 days) at IAPP
- normally in the early summer semester, i.e., April
Students can use their knowledge of different printing techniques to assess possibilities for functional printing as well as explain why a particular process is suitable for various different purposes.
Materials for Nanoelectronics
Prof. Andreas Richter
Dr.-Ing. Georgi Paschew
- taught in the Winter Semester (semester 3) at TU Dresden
The lecture provides basic knowledge of materials in nanotechnology. Proceeding the effects of small structures, the basic types of nanoelectronic structures are introduced. Additionally, the students will get an overview over the most important material systems of nanotechnology including fabrication methods, structure formation, assembly, material properties and their application in nanoelectronic devices. General material-technological challenges in nanotechnology will also be adressed.
- Credit Points: 5
- Lectures (2 hrs/wk), practical work (2 hrs/wk, as a block during the lecture-free period) and self-study.
- Exam: one exam lasting 90 minutes and a practical report requiring 16 hours of work
- Winter Semester (Semester 3)
The course will teach techniques for the characterization of thin organic, inorganic and/or hybrid organic-inorganic thin films and materials. It focusses on physical characterization methods that aim at unveiling the structure and chemical composition of semiconductors, metals, organic and hybrid materials and devices utilized in modern (organic) electronics down to the nanometer scale. The methods introduced in the course comprise scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) including in-situ techniques (in-situ TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray microscopy and tomography (XCT), correlative microscopy approaches, nanomechanical testing, ellipsometry, photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) and X-ray based scattering techniques such as gracing incidence wide angle X-ray scattering (GIWAXS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The close correlation of structure and composition with potential applications and the performance of devices will be addressed.
- Credit Points: 5
- Practical work (8 hrs/wk) including self-study
- Exam: graded project report about project in the amount of about 30 hrs
- Winter Semester (Semester 3)
Students will possess expertise in working on complex practical scientific problems and will be able to document and present their results. They will possess social competencies for professional communication as well as project and product management skills.
Students should approach the Chairs they want to do their project with early on to secure a project work place. Projects can be done in labs at TU Dresden or relevant non-university institutions (e.g., Leibniz IPF, IFW, Fraunhofer IKTS, IPMS, FEP, HZDR).
- Project work must be registered using the form: Project Work Registration (OME)
- Supervisors should use this form to grade your project: OME Project Work Result Sheet
- Both forms can be found here (path: physics - examinations).
The Major module aims at providing OME students with the flexibility to specialize in their favorite field. Students can choose ONE of the following two research areas:
- Physics OR
- Electronics
Students must complete the following during their OME studies (normally during semesters 2 and 3) within ONE of the above areas:
- two courses of their chosen area with an exam each and
- one ungraded lab (rotation) course
The organization of lab course varies according to your chosen specialization area, i.e., it may or may not be integrated in your chosen courses. Please discuss with your lecturers. Upon completion, you must submit your result sheet (Physics - Examinations - Lab Course Sheet) to the examination office.
Credit Points: 10
Available courses:
The Minor module aims at providing OME students with the flexibility to specialize in their favorite field. Students can choose ONE of the following two research areas:
- Chemistry OR
- Nanotechnology
Students must complete the following in ONE of the above areas during their OME studies (normally during semesters 2 and 3):
- two courses of their chosen area with an exam each
Credit Points: 5