Apr 14, 2021 - Feb 05, 2025; Event Series
Bühler Talks
In the Bühler Talks, renowned academics from other universities or TUD faculties present insights into their research. In addition, members of our faculty report on their research after a sabbatical. The lecture series is named after Charlotte and Karl Bühler. You can find more information about the Bühlers here.
NOTE: You can access the current lectures at the end of this schedule (last page).
Feb 01, 2023; Colloquium
W. Hacker, C. Ludl & P. Richter: Diskussion zur Geschichte der Psychologie an der TU Dresden mit Fokus auf Werner Straub
Dr. Christine Ludl, TU Dresden
Prof. Peter Richter, TU Dresden
Apr 26, 2023; Colloquium
A. Maercker: Psychologie und Stasi: Podiumsdiskussion zu neuen Aufarbeitungsergebnissen
May 17, 2023; Colloquium