Apr 14, 2021 - Jul 17, 2024; Event Series
Bühler Talks
In the Bühler Talks, renowned academics from other universities or TUD faculties present insights into their research. In addition, members of our faculty report on their research after a sabbatical. The lecture series is named after Charlotte and Karl Bühler. You can find more information about the Bühlers here.
NOTE: You can access the current lectures at the end of this schedule (last page).
Apr 14, 2021; Talk
J. Groh: Computations for representing space within and across the senses
May 05, 2021; Talk
M. McGinity: The complex structure of phenomenal realness (and other adventures in virtual reality)
May 19, 2021; Talk
M. Halassa: Thalamocortical interactions in cognitive control and flexibility
Jun 30, 2021; Talk
T. Endrass: Bericht zum Forschungsfreisemester: neue Projekte an der Professur
Oct 20, 2021; Talk