Jun 25, 2024; Workshop
For International Students: The Magic First 100 Days in Your Internship or new job (engl.)
Online-Workshop (Zoom) - For international students only!
The first phase in an internship or a new job is particularly important as it lays the foundation for your integration in your team and company and overall for your success. There will be a lot of focus on you and usually also pressure to perform. This webinar will give you a perfect preparation for your next internship or job looking into all the challenges, including German business culture, and provides you with new strategies to cope with this situation in a professional and convincing way.
Technical requirements: stable internet connection (chrome-based browser recommended), microphone, camera
You can register for this offer via OPAL. The access link to the video conference tool (Zoom) will be sent to all participants registered via OPAL before the start of the online workshop.
With your registration you accept the following conditions of participation.

Career Service Workshop Staff
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, Raum 343 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Directorate 8 - Student Affairs and Continuing Education
01069 Dresden