Dec 18, 2023
Creating more space for better teaching methods
The participants at the closing session of TU Dresden's Day of Teaching 2023 came to an unanimous conclusion: the day's motto "Teaching, learning, inspiring: together into the future" should be lived and filled with examples in the university's every day life. The day's events showed exactly what this could entail. In 14 workshops, several lectures and teaching-learning hacks, as well as a well-attended inspiration gallery, it was highligted which examples of excellent teaching already exist at TU Dresden.
"We need more appreciation for transformative teaching, more incentives for tandem lecturers and more freedom for innovative teaching and learning opportunities, especially at such an excellent university with strong research capabilities" said Dr. Martin Gerner from the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning (ZiLL) during the closing session. The participants also spoke out in favor of more frequent and low-threshold exchanges between all lecturers and teaching support units in order to give more space to the topic of teaching and to show appreciation for teaching in general.
Prof. Dr. Ercan Altinsoy raised the question of whether a Day of Teaching should also be open to perspective students. Such a theme day could also be used to find out what students expect and need from a university in terms of teaching.
Prof. Dr. Michael Kobel, Vice-Rector Academic Affairs and patron of the day, promised to continue to strengthen the exchange with the participants of all status groups and to promote further opportunities for networking and collegial exchange.
You can browse our photo galleries of the Day of Teaching 2023 here.
You can find a summary of the Teaching Award ceremony here.