Day of Teaching 2023 - Retrospective
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sophia Keil is Vice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and gave the keynote speech on the Day of Teaching 2023.
Teaching prizes of the Society of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden e. V. (GFF)
On Day of Teaching on 17 November 2023, this year's teaching awards of the Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der TU Dresden e. V. (GFF) were presented by the Vice-Rector Academic Affairs Professor Michael Kobel and the Managing Director GFF Dr. Undine Krätzig.
A summary of the 2023 teaching awards ceremony can be found here.
Day of Teaching 2023 - Exchange of Ideas and Inspiration
Program - Day of Teaching 2023
An inspiration gallery, teaching-learning hacks from various disciplines as well as 14 impulse workshops and workshops formed the program for the Day of Teaching on November 17.
"We need more appreciation for transformative teaching, more incentives for tandem lecturers and more freedom for innovative teaching and learning opportunities, especially at such an excellent university with strong research capabilities"