Our Network for Alumni
As the TU Dresden Alumni Relations Officer I would like to inform you of the different ways in which you can stay in touch or revive the contact with your Alma Mater.

Head of Alumni Relations
NameSusann Mayer
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Directorate 7 - Communication and Marketing
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Str. 69, Room C. 104
01187 Dresden
Are you interested in receiving news from your department and the university? If you would like to be kept informed about events, job offers and important dates relating to your faculty, then I would like to cordially invite you to join our Alumni Network.
Would you like to know which new research projects are being undertaken by your former faculty? Are you interested in the current profile of your institute? For these specific questions there is a direct contact person available to you at each faculty.
Additionally, there are subject-specific Alumni and Friends of the University associations at the faculty, the institute or the chair. Details are available here.
Would you like to organise an Alumni event? Do you need advice on affordable accommodation? Find out here, how we can assist you in organising your own Alumni event.