Oct 18, 2019 - Dec 20, 2019; Event Series

Cook Club

Culinary delights from all over the world tastes best when prepared together! Every month we meet to get to know the traditional food of a different country. For this event, we invite you to cook with us and to present your own culture! On Friday, October 18th, 2019 we start with a simple dish from Germany.
Which dish would you like to prepare with other students on Friday, November 22, 2019 or December 20, 2019? Share your culinary inspiration with us via e-mail to !

Fee: 2 Euros
Included in the price: cooking and dinner together

Please register via with the following information. Registration is open to international and German students enrolled at TU Dresden. With your registration you accept the terms and conditions of the Cultural Office.

Event: Cook Club Oct / Nov / Dec
Fee: 2 Euros

Join the event on Facebook: www.facebook.com/kulturbuero/events

For up-to-date information see www.tu-dresden.de/kultur and www.facebook.com/TUDkultur or www.twitter.com/TUDkultur. You may also subscribe to the Cultural Office newsletter.

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Oct 18, 2019

Cook Club

Cultural Office
Start and end time 05:00 PM
Location TU Dresden

Nov 22, 2019

Cook Club

Cultural Office
Start and end time 05:00 PM
Location TU Dresden

Dec 20, 2019

Cook Club Xmas edition

Cultural Office
Start and end time 05:00 PM
Location StudentenwerksForum