Dec 14, 2024; Excursion
Technical Collections Dresden
Curiosity and the joy of discovery are what our visit to the Technische Sammlungen is all about, because they are a museum, a photo gallery and a science center – all in one. The museum's collections offer many opportunities for experimentation and exploration, and turn technology and science into an exciting experience. They are located in one of the most important industrial buildings of the past century, a former camera factory where world-famous cameras and projectors were once produced by the companies Ernemann, Zeiss Ikon and Pentacon. From the Ernemann Tower, the museum's 48-meter-high landmark, you can enjoy a unique panoramic view of Dresden and the surrounding region.
Fee: 4 EUR
Included in the price: Admission & guided tour of the museum, coffee & cake, visit to the Christmas market at the “Blaues Wunder” bridge
German and international students welcome!