At the beginning of your course, you will be looking for answers to a lot of questions. One of these is the question of where to live.
Whether you choose to live in a hall of residence or in your own flat, a wide variety of accommodation is available in Dresden. This page is intended to help you in your search.
In the video below, TU student Richard introduces different housing options and talks to students about the pros and cons, their own impressions, and costs to calculate.
"Richard tests ..." student housing in Dresden © TU Dresden
Table of contents
Student Union - Studentenwerk Dresden
The halls of residence of the Studentenwerk Dresden offer the best opportunity to live together with fellow students as well as to have short distances to the university and calculable costs. You will find offers both for individualists and for those who like to live in shared flats.
You can search for a suitable room in a hall of residence on the website of the Studentenwerk Dresden. The search offers various criteria such as rent and room size. Or you may filter according to the type of accommodation, such as a two-bed flat or a single apartment. Additionally, you can search for specific housing such as family-friendly or wheelchair-accessible apartments.
Moreover, we would like to point out the offer WOMIKO - living with fellow students: Some halls of residence are assigned to specific faculties. This is an excellent opportunity to get in contact with fellow students of your own year and of higher semesters already in your hall of residence.
All information about the halls of residence such as location, rent, equipment, pictures, floor plans and virtual tours are available in the hall of residence catalogue.
When can I make my application for accommodations in a residence hall? And what do I need for this application? The Student Services (Studentenwerk) Dresden gives answers to these and other questions in this video about "Living in residence halles". © Studentenwerk (Student Services) Dresden
Accommodation on the Private Market
Many flats and flat shares (“WGs”) are available in Dresden. Rooms in student flat shares are often furnished and rented out for short periods as “temporary lets”. This form of accommodation can be a convenient alternative, allowing you to get to know other students quickly and to become integrated into Dresden student life.
The internet is a good place to check what is on offer on the accommodation market:
- - Click on “Living & Working”
- - shared flats in Dresden (private offers)
If you enter the phrase "Wohnungssuche Dresden", search engines will provide enough additional results for individual searches, including flat shares (“WGs”).
It is also worth taking a look at the bulletin boards in the university cafeterias, in the “Hörsaalzentrum” or in other TU buildings.
Accommodation for When You Arrive
If you do not yet have a place to stay when you arrive and are looking for an inexpensive place to stay for the first few days, then we recommend you take a look at the following platform:
Tax on second homes
Please make sure you read the information on tax on second homes (Zweitwohnungssteuer) on the Studentenwerk Dresden’s homepage.