Sustainability Strategy of TU Dresden – Our vision
Only the responsible use of available resources and the sustainable development of our society can safeguard the livelihoods of present and future generations. At TU Dresden, we foster a culture of sustainability and implemt it together: we see sustainability as an (achievable) vision for a future worth living, and at the same time as a guiding principle for our actions, in which we think about tomorrow - today.
With TUD’s Sustainability Strategy, we are setting an important milestone. The leading guidelines for this development process are described in the 2030 Agenda and the associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. With the Sustainability Strategy, TUD has set itself ambitious goals in six areas of activity. We are confident that with the active participation of all members of our university community, we can achieve these goals.
We are embarking on a journey of learning and action, and invite you to join us in shaping our university and developing it into a more sustainable institution. Your expertise and commitment are key to a TUD that is fit for the future, inspiring, pioneering, and aware of its ecological and social responsibilities. Students, researchers, administrative staff and teaching staff – we all play a crucial role on the path to a sustainable future.