TUTORING hybrid - Qualification for student tutors of all degree programs
As a subject tutor, you lead tutorials, exercises and practicals as part of a course. You are responsible for repetition, practical practice and a deeper understanding of course content. Designing a learning environment that promotes independent work is one of the key tasks of subject tutors.
- TUTORING hybrid has been part of the virTUos project at the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL) since 2023.
- In the TUTORING hybrid sub-project, hybrid teaching-learning scenarios in tutorials, exercises and practicals are identified, didactically analyzed, further developed on an interdisciplinary basis and prepared as OEP (Open Educational Practice). The focus is on developing teachers' skills in interactive hybrid tutorials, tele-tutorials, exercises, laboratory and machine practicals.
- Since April 2024, part of our work has been funded by the ESF Plus funding guideline. This concerns the "SMART PEERS" part of the sTUDy SMART network project, in which we have a special focus on female tutors and international tutors, networking them and creating further training opportunities.
- By the way - did you know that TUTORING 2022 has received recognition for diversity-sensitive teaching? Read more about our recognition here.

(TUTORING; Basisqualifizierung live)
Basic qualifications, workshops and job shadowing
Our qualification offers are aimed at prospective and existing tutors of all degree programs who take on the supervision of an (online) tutorial. There are numerous offers to prepare you for your (new) role.
You can register for all courses via OPAL.
You will receive certificates of participation for your commitment so that you can prove your knowledge acquisition beyond your time as a tutor. We look forward to seeing you!
Shortly before the start of the semester at the end of March and the end of September, one- to two-day basic training courses are held for all subject tutors! Register here: to the registration.
Sign up for our newsletter now and never miss any more offers. Still can't get enough of us? Then follow us on Instagram and stay up to date! On our channel, you'll not only find the latest information, but also valuable tips and tricks for your tutorial.
The annual selection of the best tutor
In order to recognize the valuable work of tutors and to consolidate and make tutorial work at TU Dresden more visible, we award the best tutorial or exercise of the year every year. We therefore invite both students and tutors to submit their suggestions. An application form must be filled out and sent to .
(Image: TUTORING hybrid; from left to right Anton Hoffmann, Daniel Haak, Maximilian Vogt)
With the nomination for Best Tutorial of the Semester, which was held for the first time in the summer semester 2021 and is held regularly, we want to increase the visibility of the work of tutors at TU Dresden, because tutorials are an indispensable part of university teaching. The team congratulated the following nominees on October 05, 2022:
f.l.t.r.: Julius Schmidt, Felix Iwan, Anne Hilprecht; not in the picture: Maximilian Hubmann & Henry Haustein
Selection of the best tutorial in the summer semester 2022: KOERBER, M. & LUDWIG, M. (2022): The selection of the best tutorial of the summer semester 2022. In: Dresdner Universitätsjournal 17/2022 from November 08, 2022, p: 4
SCHLEGEL, B. & LUDWIG, M. (2022): Lessons learned from tutorial work under pandemic conditions. In: Lessons Learned, Volume 2, Issue 1, 07.05.2022
Selection of the best tutorial in the winter semester 2021/22: KOERBER, M. & LUDWIG, M. (2022): The selection of the best tutorial of the winter semester 2021/2022. In: Dresdner Universitätsjournal 09/2022 from May 17, 2022, p: 5
Selection of the best tutorial in the summer semester 2021: SCHLEGEL, B. & LUDWIG, M. (2021): The selection of the best tutorial of the summer semester 2021. in: Dresdner Universitätsjournal 15/2021 from October 05, 2021, p: 5 https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/newsportal/ressourcen/dateien/universitaetsjournal/uj_pdfs/uj_2021/UJ15-21.pdf?lang=de
SCHLEGEL, B. & LUDWIG, M. (2021): Coaching in the context of university tutor qualification. In: RAUEN, C. (ed., 2021): Coaching Magazine. Christopher Rauen Society, Wallenhorst: 37-41
KSCHIESCHAN, A. (2021): In tandem for learning and teaching success. In: SZ special supplement Dresden. Sächsische Zeitung Dresden.
LIESCH, D. (2021): For higher teaching quality in tutorials, exercises and internships. In: Dresden University Journal 01/2021 from January 19, 2021.