Virtual Classroom for the Elementary-Level Russian Course 4+5: Hannelore Georgi (#HG1)
Seminar/speaking practice – synchronous via video conference, asynchronous via virtual classroom
Language learning, Russian, Moodle, virtual classroom, range of methods
During the summer semester, classes were held online via video conferencing. During these remote classes, students held short presentations, spoke as much as possible and made use of resources from the textbook pack (‘Yasno!’ A1–A2, textbook, exercise book and answer booklet, published by Klett Verlag) and the virtual classroom on Moodle.
Each week, students received access to uploaded or linked resources and exercises in Moodle. They could download all the material and even complete some of the exercises online (sometimes with instant marking).
My aim was to make use of various resources and exercises to foster my students’ interest in Russian and encourage them to study the language.
To improve their writing skills, students could upload their texts (either handwritten, photographed and uploaded to Moodle or written directly in Moodle). I then sent their corrected texts back to them.
Since this summer semester marked my first time using Moodle, it took me some time to find the material and get to grips with the program. The tutorials and assistance of Karin Schöne and Antje Neuhoff from the Teaching Center for Languages and Regional Studies, Klett Verlag’s online seminars and the Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren, Sprachlehrinstitute und Fremdspracheninstitute (Working Group for Language Centers and Foreign Language Institutes) were all incredibly helpful. My students also helped by contacting me straight away when they realized that exercises did not work as I had planned. Overall, it was through our collective efforts that the virtual classroom succeeded.
If you would like to take a look at the course, please click on the link: Use the button ‘Anmelden als Gast’ (Guest login) to log in. We would love to hear your feedback.
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