Sep 07, 2023
New certificate course for teachers in technology/computers launched at TU Dresden
In July 2023, the ZLSB and the subject WTH/S took a pioneering step in teacher training. The first group of teachers successfully began their certificate course in technology/computers (TC), which was specially designed for non-specialist teachers at secondary schools, community schools, special schools and grammar schools.
The course, for which the TUD is responsible in terms of content and organization, marked the start of an 18-month training journey on which the 30 participating teachers from all over Saxony will learn and test basic and innovative teaching concepts in the field of technology and computers.
The aim of this training format is to increase the quality of teaching in the subject of T/C at schools and to provide teachers with the necessary tools for successful lesson planning.
The TC certificate course was already very popular when it was introduced. A further 30 teachers are expected to complete the course in 2024. In addition, the ZLSB is planning to introduce a further certificate course with a focus on ethics, which is aimed specifically at teachers in the primary sector. This course will be run in close cooperation with the Chair of Didactics of Philosophy and of Ethics and is scheduled to start in summer 2024.