Saxon Student Survey - Continuous Monitoring of Study Conditions and Study Quality in the Free State of Saxony
2005 - 2012 - 2017 - 2022 - 2027 ...
Since 2005, the Competence Center for (Higher) Education Research as a research institute of the Center for Quality Analysis has been conducting regular large-scale surveys of students at Saxon universities.
Ongoing student surveys - such as graduate studies - are an essential and indispensable addition to existing higher education statistics with their information on student numbers, final examinations, etc. A comprehensive picture of the study situation and study quality can only be obtained if students provide detailed information about their positive and negative study experiences and report on their study progress, their further study plans and their personal study situation from their own point of view. The Saxon Student Survey makes this possible.
The 4th Saxon Student Survey has been completed.
In contrast to the second and third Saxon Student Survey, the current study in 2022 included not only the four universities and five universities of applied sciences, but also the five colleges of arts under the jurisdiction of the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWK). A total of approximately 11,000 students participated in the current survey. The survey focuses on the effects of the considerable changes in teaching due to the Corona pandemic as well as the use of and satisfaction with the advisory services at the universities.
The particular value of longitudinal and repeated studies lies in the acquisition of time series and the resulting possibility of empirically capturing processes of change and development. For this reason, the central topics from the previous studies will be continued. These include, in particular, the students' assessment of the study conditions and study quality, information on their study behaviour and on the transition from bachelor's to master's programs.
The Minister of Science, Sebastian Gemkow, and the project leader, Prof. Dr. Karl Lenz, will present the results of the 4th Saxon Student Survey to the public at a press conference on May 12, 2023.
Press release with figures and tables (pdf) (in German)
presentation for the universities on may 15, 2023 (pdf) (in German)
Lenz, Karl/Blaich, Ingo/Haag, Wolfgang/Radewald, Anika
Studieren in der Zeit der Corona-Pandemie. Hauptbericht zur 4. Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung
final report (pdf) (in German)
In addition, there are two special reports on the 4th Saxon Student Survey:
Lenz, Karl/Blaich, Ingo/Haag, Wolfgang/Radewald, Anika
Lehramtsstudierende in Sachsen. Sonderauswertung im Rahmen der 4. Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung
final report (pdf) (in German)
Lenz, Karl/Blaich, Ingo/Haag, Wolfgang
Studierende an Kunsthochschulen. Sonderauswertung im Rahmen der 4. Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung
final report (pdf) (in German)
Project duration
4th Student Survey: 10/2021 - 12/2022
Project manager
Dr. Ingo Blaich
Dipl.-Soz. Wolfgang Haag
Anika Radewald
Publications on the first three Saxon student surveys (2005, 2012 and 2017)
Lenz, Karl/Cesca, Stepanie/Pelz, Robert:
Lehramtsstudierende in Sachsen. Sonderauswertung im Rahmen der Dritten Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung.
Dresden 2018
Abschlussbericht als pdf
Pressemitteilung Lehramt zur Sonderauswertung Lehramt im Rahmen der 3. Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung
Lenz, Karl/Winter, Johannes/Stephan, Christina/Herklotz, Markus/Gaaw, Stephanie:
Dritte Sächsische Studierendenbefragung.
Dresden 2018
Abschlussbericht als pdf
Pressemitteilung zur 3. Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung
Lenz, Karl/Otto, Martin/Pelz, Robert:
Abschlussbericht zur zweiten sächsischen Studierendenbefragung.
Dresden 2013
Abschlussbericht als pdf
Präsentation zur 2. Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung (Fragebogen)
Die Ergebnisse der 1. Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung wurden im Rahmen des Sächsischen Hochschulberichtes 2006 verwendet.
Lenz, Karl/Krempkow, Rene/Popp, Jacqueline:
Sächsischer Hochschulbericht 2006: Dauerbeobachtung der Studienbedingungen und Studienqualität im Freistaat Sachsen.
Dresden 2007
Further publications on the topic of higher education monitoring and student success research can be found here. here.
Former Staff
Johannes Winter, M.A.
Dipl.-Soz. Christina Stephan
Dipl.-Soz. Stephanie Cesca
Dipl.-Soz. Martin Otto
Dipl.-Soz. Robert Pelz