FAQ Saxon Student Survey
1. What is the Kompetenzzentrum für Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung (KfBH)?
The KfBH is the research institution at the Center for Quality Analysis (ZQA) of the TU Dresden. It was founded in 2004 to bundle research on the higher education system. Core tasks are graduate studies, student surveys and high school graduation surveys. Since 2011, the KfBH has been part of the ZQA. The ZQA is a central scientific institution at the TU Dresden and conducts its research scientifically independent.
2. How does the Kompetenzzentrum für Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung (KfBH) guarantee the protection of my data?
Research in the social sciences is subject to the strictest requirements regarding data protection laws. Arrangements were made with the authorized data protection officer, whose directions and regulations were heeded and will be adhered to. All of our employees have been informed in this regard.
3. Why must I sign in with an access code/access link? Does this mean that the KfBH can connect my personal information to my answers?
The personal access code/access link prevents other people from completing the questionnaire and prevents someone from completing the same questionnaire twice. Making a connection to your answers with the help of the code is not possible at any point.
4. What happens with my answers?
Every single question answered is valuable for our research. Only when enough students participate in the survey is it possible to obtain scientifically-verified findings about the study conditions and quality at higher education institutions in Saxony. All questionnaires answered online are empirically evaluated using a statistics program (SPSS) and the results are published in the form of a final evaluation report.
5. What happens if I do not complete the questionnaire?
You do not wish to participate in the survey.
Participation in the survey takes place voluntarily and is subject to strict data protection regulations. Not completing the survey has absolutely no consequences for you. Please take note, however, that each completed questionnaire supports our goal of obtaining a comprehensive picture of the study conditions of students at universities in Saxony.
You generally would like to participate but have not yet had time.
Not everyone can take the time to complete the questionnaire in our desired timeframe. An automatic email reminder is therefore sent out to all those being surveyed which reminds you to complete the questionnaire. In case you have already participated in the questionnaire, please ignore this email.
You do not wish to answer every question.
The questionnaire and therefore each individual answer or statement provided takes place voluntarily. At the beginning please state your higher education institution, the degree you are pursuing, your degree program and your number of semesters. Since our evaluations refer to the areas of study and types of higher education institutions, the questionnaire cannot be completed without these answers.
In case you do not wish to provide answers to certain questions (e.g. the year of your birth), please continue on to the next question. However please be aware, if we take this sample question, that is doesn't matter how old you are personally, but we wish to obtain general information about students at universities in Saxony. Each honest answer heightens the representative nature and validity of the study. Only with the help of concrete findings can concrete needs of future higher education be planned with.
You wish to pause the questionnaire and continue at a later time.
You may also discontinue the questionnaire at any point and complete it at a later time by entering your personal access code/access link, so long as it is completed within the survey period. The progress bar on top of each question shows the overall progress of completing the questionnaire. Since the path of the questionnaire depends on your answers, the number of remaining questions can vary. Once you have completed the survey, your personal access code/access link is blocked for any further access.
6. Why were many important questions about study quality not asked?
We unfortunately could not ask all questions that are interesting for us in regards to your studies. We decided on the existing questions after a long deliberation process together with your university, during which we considered the contents and the methodology. Even though some details about your studies will remain uncovered, we can nevertheless obtain a comprehensive picture of the conditions for students at universities in Saxony with the help of your answers.
7. Why isn't the questionnaire shorter?
The complexity of the study conditions and quality of the study program is inadequately understood when fewer questions are asked. The questionnaire could therefore not be made shorter. Please do not linger too long on individual questions. Choose the answer closest to your personal experience.
8. Is it possible to receive the evaluation results?
The KfBH already practices the requirement of the German Council of Science and Humanities for free access to scientific publications (open access as standard). As soon as the final report is available - according to our planning at the end of 2022 - it will be published here on the website.