C2 - Sustainability and resilience
Analysis and assessment of the sustainability and resilience of reinforcement methods with new composites
Edeltraud Günther (Faculty of Business and Economics, Chair of Environmental Management and Accounting) in cooperation with Manfred Curbach (Institute for Concrete Structures)
The analysis and assessment of the sustainability and resilience of new composites and reinforcing systems, in particular in the case of impact loading, require the development of a scientific concept which takes account of technical, financial, social and ecological influencing parameters and allows quantitative forecasts and scenarios.
Among other things, parameters such as long-term availability and life cycle assessment of the basic materials, temporal and economic costs for the implementation of strengthening methods or retrofitting of the reinforcement systems or the structure after impact action shall be included. The aim of the project is to develop an assessment concept based on the existing modeling approaches and in close collaboration with colleagues from the engineering disciplines, which already took into account the research and development phase through a sustainability and resilience assessment and results in a stronger and more sustainable composite material.