History of the Institute of Concrete Structures

Max Förster
First there is to be named Max Förster (*1867, †1930). Max Förster, appointed to the TH Dresden in 1899, can be stated as the first professor of this institute. In 1911 for the first time, ‘ferroconcrete’ is used in the name of his professorship. The full description can be translated with “Teaching of construction material, theory of ferroconcrete, timber and solid bridge construction”. Together with Willi Gehler, professor at the TH Dresden, E. Probst, professor at the TH Karlsruhe, H. Fischmann, director of the German Railroad Association Berlin and W. Petri, director of the German Concrete Society, Max Förster has been editor of the journal “Der Bauingenieur” (The Civil Engineer), which was the professional journal of the German Railroad Association and German Concrete Society these days.

Friedrich Wilhelm Neuffer
After Max Förster, Friedrich Wilhelm Neuffer (*1882, †1960) became professor of "Massivbau, Holzbau, Gründungen und Baustelleneinrichtungen" (in English: Solid construction, timber construction, founding and commencement of work at building site).

Ernst Lewicki
In1951, Ernst Lewicki (*1894, †1973) became head of the “Institut für Stahlbeton, Massivbrückenbau, Grundbau und Baubetrieb” (in English: Institute of Reinforced Concrete, Solid Bridge Construction, Soil Engineering and Construction Operation).

Gottfried Brendel
In 1954 the research field of ferroconcrete became an independent part within the engineering department. As head of the new institute Gottfried Brendel (*1913, †1965) was appointed. After a short time, Brendel also became head of the field solid bridge construction.
Gottfried Brendel was succeeded by Siegfried Schröder (*1921) in 1966. By now, the name of the institute had been changed into "Stahlbeton-, Spannbeton- und Massivbrückenbau" (in English: Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed Concrete and Solid Bridge Construction). Though it was intended to build with lightweight with less material consumption, a bit later the term ‘solid bridge construction’ has been eliminated out of the title. Nevertheless, the subject itself stayed within the field of teaching of Siegfried Schröder.
From 1986 to 1992, Werner Haupt (*1936) was Head of Chair of 'Reinforced Concrete & Prestressed Concrete Construction'.

Jürgen Stritzke
Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed Concrete Jürgen Stritzke (*1937) became in charge of the professorship 'Solid Bridge Construction' until his retirement in 2003.

Manfred Curbach
In 1994, Manfred Curbach (*1956) became professor of solid construction. From then on he has been in charge for subject area reinforced concrete construction and special subjects. Since the appointment of Prof. Ulrich Häußler-Combe in April 2003 he is teaching reinforced concrete construction and solid bridge construction.

Ulrich Häußler-Combe
In April 2003, Ulrich Häußler-Combe was appointed to the professorship for Special Concrete Structures. He represented teaching in the subjects of reinforced concrete construction (fundamentals and construction theory), special structures and masonry construction.
In autumn 2003, the institutes of the faculty were restructured again. The Institute for Structures and Building Materials, which had existed since 1992, was dissolved. The professorship of Concrete Structures and the professorship of Special Concrte Structures together with the Otto Mohr Laboratory formed the Institute of Concrete Structures. Ulrich Häußler-Combe will retire at the beginning of October 2021.

Steffen Marx
At the end of 2006, Manfred Curbach is elected Prorector of the University. During his term of office until the end of 2010, Steffen Marx will assume all teaching responsibilities. Manfred Curbach will continue to supervise the meanwhile extensive research activities at the Chair of Solid Construction. Steffen Marx will first move to the University of California San Diego as a visiting professor in 2010 and will then take over as head of the Institute of Concrete Structures at Leibniz Universität Hannover in 2011. In February 2020 Steffen Marx returns to the Technical University of Dresden and will assume the endowed professorship for civil engineering of the Deutsche Bahn Netz AG at the Institute for Solid Structures.