C3 – finished basic projects

Conventional carbon reinforcement (lying above) and prototypical Carbon reinforcement of larger cross section (below)
SP C3-B1-1a-I-c: Requirements on reinforcement structures and bond behaviour as part of the basic project C3-B1: Coatings and reinforcement structures for carbon concrete constructions further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 05/2015 – 01/2017

Preparation of the reinforcing cage
Design of a textile reinforced beam for the project C3-B2further details
Project: Institute of Concrete Structures, TU Dresden
Period: 04/2016 – 11/2016

Setup of a cyclic tensile test
SP C3-B3-I-a: Safety and design concepts as well as standard test concepts as part of the basic project C3-B3: Construction principles, safety and design concepts as well as standardised test methods for CRC further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 01/2015 – 06/2016

Reference grid made by V.Fraas
Reference textile for the C³ project further details
Funding: Institute of Concrete Structures, TU Dresden
Period: 02/2017 – 01/2018