C3 – projects – V3 and V4

Carbon reinforced concrete building CUBE
TP C3-V3.1-I: Components and structures made of CRC as well as scientific support for design, engineering and supervision processes as part of the joint research project C3-V3.1: C³ technology demonstration house – CUBE further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 09/2017 – 09/2022

Auf den Garnenden applizierte Verankerungskörper
SP 1: Bond behaviour of mechanically acting reinforcements as part of the joint research project C3-V3.4: Mechanical anchoring further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 04/2018 – 12/2020
TP C3-V3.5-I: Development of a new type of innovation concept to initiate the paradigm shift (C3-V3.5: FINAL) further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 07/2019 – 09/2022

Numerical model of a conically segmented anchorage for carbon tendons
SP C3-4.2-VI: Compact anchorages for unbonded tendons as part of the joint research project C3-V4.2: Pre-stressed carbon concrete for road bridges and shell structures further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 05/2016 – 04/2019

Building element with cavities for function integration in a test facility
SP2: Functionally integrated components as part of the joint research project C3-V4.6: Energy-storing carbon concrete further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 04/2018 – 02/2021

CRC as a strengthening layer for raod pavements
SP C3-V4.12-II: Research of crack growth as part of the joint project C3-V4.12: Carbon concrete for a jointless restoration of damaged concrete road pavement further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 03/2017 – 02/2019

A part of a double wall durig shear testing
SP C3-V4.17-III: Development of test methods for and determination of characteristic values of double wall systems within the jointresearch project C3-V4.17: Automated double wall system more information
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 11/2018 – 03/2021

Model of a carbon loop
SP 2: Bond behaviour and end anchorage of carbon reinforcements as part of the joint research project C3-V4.19: Carbon-reinforced parking garage ceiling slabs further details
Funding: BMBF / C3
Period: 04/2018 – 01/2021